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Semisynchronous Replication Plugin Status Variables

This page documents status variables related to the Semisynchronous Replication Plugin (which has been merged into the main server from MariaDB 10.3.3). See Server Status Variables for a complete list of status variables that can be viewed with SHOW STATUS.

See also the Full list of MariaDB options, system and status variables.


  • Description: Number of semisynchronous slaves.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Number of acknowledgements received by the master from slaves.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Average time the master waited for a slave to reply, in microseconds.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Total time the master waited for slave replies, in microseconds.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Total number of times the master waited for slave replies.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Number of times the master turned off semisynchronous replication. The global value can be flushed by FLUSH STATUS.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Number of commits that have not been successfully acknowledged by a slave. The global value can be flushed by FLUSH STATUS.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Number of acknowledgement requests sent to slaves.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Whether or not semisynchronous replication is currently operating on the master. The value will be ON if both the plugin has been enabled and a commit acknowledgment has occurred. It will be OFF if either the plugin has not been enabled, or the master is replicating asynchronously due to a commit acknowledgment timeout.
  • Data Type: boolean


  • Description: Number of times the master failed when calling a time function, such as gettimeofday(). The global value can be flushed by FLUSH STATUS.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Average time the master waited for each transaction, in microseconds.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Total time the master waited for transactions, in microseconds.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Total number of times the master waited for transactions.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Total number of times the master waited for an event that had binary coordinates lower than previous events waited for. Occurs if the order in which transactions start waiting for a reply is different from the order in which their binary log events were written. The global value can be flushed by FLUSH STATUS.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Number of sessions that are currently waiting for slave replies.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Number of commits that have been successfully acknowledged by a slave. The global value can be flushed by FLUSH STATUS.
  • Data Type: numeric


  • Description: Whether or not semisynchronous replication is currently operating on the slave. ON if both semi-sync has been enabled for the replica (i.e. by setting the variable rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled to TRUE) and the slave I/O thread is running.
  • Data Type: boolean


  • Description: Number of acknowledgements the slave sent to the master.
  • Data Type: numeric

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