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Release Notes for MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3.21-5

This sixth release of MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3 is a maintenance release, including a variety of fixes.

MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3.22-6 was released on 2020-03-02.

Fixed Security Vulnerabilities

CVE (with link)* CVSS base score

Notable Changes

  • The systemd start and stop timeout for the MariaDB service is now set to 900 seconds (15 minutes). (MDEV-17571)
  • For MariaDB Enterprise Cluster (Galera Library 25.3.29):
    • Setting socket.recv_buf_size was not effective because it was done after the socket was connected or accepted. The default value also caused TCP receive buffer auto-tuning to be disabled. This lead to sub-optimal performance in high bandwidth WAN clusters. The default value for socket.recv_buf_size has been changed to auto, which lets the kernel tune the TCP receive buffer. A new variable socket.recv_buf_size with default value auto was added to allow send buffer tuning.

Issues Fixed

Can result in a hang or crash

  • On a rollback of a large insert or update, or during a background task to purge transaction history after a large update or delete, the server could hang. (MDEV-21509)
  • On a rollback or during a background task to purge transaction history due to a SPATIAL INDEX, the server could hang. (MDEV-21512)
  • Crashes could occur rarely when using ALTER TABLE ... IMPORT TABLESPACE (MDEV-21513)
  • A replication primary (master) running in semi-sync mode could crash when RESET MASTER is executed and the replica reconnects using the GTID protocol. (MDEV-19376)
  • The aria_pack utility crashed when running an offline datafile compress on a table. (MDEV-14183)
  • With active optimizer trace (optimizer_trace='enabled=on') server could crash or the data of the optimizer trace could become corrupted. (MENT-614)

Can result in unexpected behavior

  • Queries which use window functions and implicit grouping could return wrong results. (MDEV-21318)
  • Queries which use DISTINCT COUNT(*) OVER() in the expression returned wrong results. (MDEV-16579)
  • Inefficient thread handling in the thread pool, impacting any application that uses the thread pool. (MDEV-21343)
  • The MariaDB Enterprise Server config file mariadb-enterprise.cnf was not registered as a config file in RPM packages. (MENT-591)
  • ALTER USER IF EXISTS generated a SQL syntax error. (MENT-643)
  • A query using GROUP BY with an expression containing a field of a view could return wrong results. (MDEV-20922)
  • For MariaDB Enterprise Cluster (Galera Library 25.3.29):
    • GCS delivered a JOIN message even if the node was in a DONOR state.
    • GCache could contain mixed histories from different clusters.
    • GComm socket timestamping/liveness checking produced false positives during replication of large transactions, which caused excessive amounts of broken connections.
    • Large transactions were able to monopolize bandwidth when segmentation was configured, causing delayed in messages relayed by segment representative. The fix implements fair queuing of messages.
    • Due to a bug in quorum computation, two primary conflicting primary components were formed when the group merged and partitioned again while the new primary view was forming.
  • A range plan was not always used for multi-join queries. (MDEV-21383)
  • Server could not be started when lc_messages is set in a config file. (MENT-625)

Interface Changes

  • None

Platforms In alignment to the enterprise lifecycle, MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3.22-6 is provided for:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • CentOS 8
  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 6
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Debian 10
  • Debian 9
  • Debian 8
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
  • Microsoft Windows

Some components of MariaDB Enterprise Server might not support all platforms. For additional information, see "MariaDB Corporation Engineering Policies".


CentOS 6, Debian 8, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 are no longer supported as per the MariaDB Engineering Policy. Older releases are available from the MariaDB Downloads page. Instructions for installation are included as a README file within the download.

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