MariaDB Connector/J 3.0.4 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 25 Mar 2022
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #cc0aa96c [CONJ-925] OSGI correction
- Revision #3a4dfaae Merge branch 'hotfix/CONJ-925'
- Revision #452d9e54 Merge branch 'release/3.0.4'
- Revision #de7d8501 bump 3.0.4 version
- Revision #815e9cea [CONJ-939] add xpand testing
- Revision #24758f72 [CONJ-945] ensure retry is limited by retriesAllDown
- Revision #634d4358 [misc] testing client cert with full path
- Revision #722d8562 [misc] removing ssl status from test
- Revision #de81b30e [misc] test addition using wrongly client certificate
- Revision #a3708273 [misc] test addition using wrongly client certificate
- Revision #d121858c [CONJ-940] Permit updating rows when not having primary info on metadata
- Revision #98440d37 [misc] test addition to ensure streaming forcing while executing other command
- Revision #20c82c7e [CONJ-925] missing OSGI infos
- Revision #a053e146 [CONJ-932] Login packet now use recommended length encoded value for connection attributes
- Revision #abc89b6a [CONJ-934] MariaDbDataSource is sensitive to the order of setting of username and password
- Revision #3d92551a [CONJ-937] metadata getColumnTypeName wrong return type
- Revision #51c5c008 [CONJ-935] Connection.getMetaData() returns MariaDbClob instead of String
- Revision #6107d31c [CONJ-933] load-balancing failover doesn't timeout
- Revision #f9087c2b [misc] test correction
- Revision #c999c2ec [CONJ-923] correctly return 64 bits generated id / updated rows
- Revision #fdc448d3 [CONJ-924] NULL column test correction
- Revision #9ab3c52d [CONJ-926] Client restrict authentication to 'mysql_native_password,client_ed25519,auth_gssapi_client' if restrictedAuth parameter is not set
- Revision #e4a05f17 [misc] ensure timezone setting for Windows unknown Zone id
- Revision #eda07584 [CONJ-924] NULL column type might result in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected datatype NULL
- Revision #a180c21f [CONJ-922] DECIMAL overflow for long/int/short not throwing exception
- Revision #dc363311 [misc] add snapshot to README
- Revision #eeb8a8ae Merge branch 'master' into develop
- Revision #ec66b7ad Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- Revision #f027fa1e [CONJ-921] DatabaseMetadata#getTables with null value for tableNamePattern throws Syntax error
- Revision #886f90ff [misc] update readme version
- Revision #27a401f5 [misc] bump 3.0.4-SNAPSHOT
- Revision #ccb97c1a [misc] test correction for maxscale issue MXS-3956 + java 17 testing
- Revision #9d8af588 [misc] code improvement, avoiding calling unnecessary executePipeline on connection
- Revision #ba2a2210 Merge tag '3.0.3' into develop
- Revision #c3ccb9fb Merge branch 'release/3.0.3'
- Revision #e8cf7eec [CONJ-915] javadoc addition
- Revision #0a967721 [misc] dependencies upgrade
- Revision #3faea9aa Merge tag '3.0.3' into develop
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