MariaDB Connector/J 2.7.0 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 25 Sep 2020
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #550a8ed5 - Merge branch 'release/2.7.0'
- Revision #ca8365ab - bump 2.7.0 version
- Revision #143e8c92 - [CONJ-810] normalization of resultset getDate/getTime of timestamp field.
- Revision #8e82bc5f - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- Revision #e5f34055 - [CONJ-827] update maxscale test to recent version
- Revision #5bf84cca - [CONJ-827] update maxscale test to recent version
- Revision #8e2d523d - [CONJ-830] issue SSL negotiation only if server show SSL capability. The connector was initiating SSL negotiation when option `useSsl` is set even if server doesn't support SSL. This was resulting throwing a wrong exception that doesn't show the initial problem
- Revision #4f798679 - [CONJ-829] Option to cache callablestatement disabled by default
- Revision #49f14d63 - [misc] skysql test suite correction
- Revision #6601971b - [CONJ-828] new option `ensureSocketState`
- Revision #6f02333e - Merge branch 'pull/156' into develop
- Revision #0e8d5739 - [CONJ-805] maxFieldSize truncation correction #156
- Revision #a8f9b5fc - [CONJ-817] correction handling default data when resultset is using binary protocol
- Revision #79a9b64b - [CONJ-825] XAResource.isSameRM test correction
- Revision #eebe1e58 - [misc] test update for local infile and 10.5 server
- Revision #41d39b6c - [CONJ-817] Table with primary key with DEFAULT function can not be inserted to: Current position is after the last row. correction for 10.5 server
- Revision #70c406b2 - [CONJ-825] XAResource.isSameRM did always return false
- Revision #a49abc13 - [misc] travis test MariaDB 10.5 addition
- Revision #09541596 - [CONJ-812] DatabaseMetadata getBestRowIdentifier pseudo code correction for server without IS_GENERATED column in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
- Revision #f3055c7c - [CONJ-812] DatabaseMetadata getBestRowIdentifier and getMaxProcedureNameLength correction
- Revision #7363e257 - [CONJ-814] DatabaseMetadata result-set PK_NAME now contains value
- Revision #ed706d53 - [CONJ-816] correct test using default UUID() to supported version
- Revision #47d01e79 - [misc] update appveyor server version to latest
- Revision #5a20980d - [CONJ-820] test correction when using prepare
- Revision #a0b65b87 - [CONJ-817] ResultSet.insertRow improvement for default value handling - detailed error when inserting data with empty primary key for server before 10.4 - permits insert for empty primary key with default value for 10.5 server (value is retrieved using RETURNING)
- Revision #3c8452e7 - [CONJ-817] DatabaseMetadata.getProcedures REMARKS and PROCEDURE_TYPE ordering correction
- Revision #87bf787d - [CONJ-820] PreparedStatement.setObject doesn't support java.lang.Character type
- Revision #5340e647 - Merge branch 'pull/159' into develop
- Revision #25cae561 - [misc] suppress warning
- Revision #e00a351d - [misc] SkySQL testing
- Revision #a88d392f - Merge branch 'pull/157' into develop
- Revision #88189ffc - [CONJ-805] fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for >1 byte UTF8 characters and maxFieldSize set
- Revision #e7628511 - for-CONJ-742-and-CONJ-807, add Driver.class.getClassLoader() can solve squirrel problem. But static introduce access denied
- Revision #f2cfbaa6 - Fix - setConfiguration not being called on classes that extend ConfigurableSocketFactory
- Revision #a5c414d3 - [misc] setting good travis link
- Revision #6f101ce3 - Merge tag '2.6.2' into develop
- Revision #c290bfef - Reproduce issue with polish chars and set maxFieldSize
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