MariaDB Connector/J 2.5.0 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 3 Oct 2019
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #8c53983c [CONJ-698] statement#getGeneratedKeys() returns two rows if ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement updated a row
- Revision #ae066948 [misc] updating copyright
- Revision #d4eecfbb [misc] code format standardization following google-java-format
- Revision #533b1f8d [CONJ-692] ConnectionPoolDataSource interface addition to MariaDbPoolDataSource
- Revision #a0f2f42a [CONJ-561] JDBC 4.3 Statement enquoteLiteral, enquoteIdentifier, isSimpleIdentifier and enquoteNCharLiteral methods
- Revision #4c894f94 [CONJ-727] TLS socket factory service implementation Default implementation is provided.
- Revision #d462f323 [misc] removing test for sha2 plugin for MySQL version before 5.7
- Revision #a5cc2bf6 [misc] travis testing configuration correction for caching_sha2_password
- Revision #4630edc3 [CONJ-663] Implement caching_sha2_password and sha256_password plugin
- Revision #5549f4bb [misc] remove multi-authentication test if using maxscale
- Revision #9ad6dea0 [CONJ-734] DatabaseMetaData.getSchemaTerm must return "schema"
- Revision #67af2abb [misc] correcting appveyor MariaDB server version
- Revision #6a3d4aa0 [misc] set default testing to 10.4, removing deprecated MariaDB 10.0
- Revision #b653d149 [CONJ-733] adding credential service implementation Credential service permits providing user / password just implementing CredentialPlugin interface. 3 default implementations : - using environment credential - using java system properties credential - using IAM authentication
- Revision #7880c6a9 [CONJ-733] adding javadoc to Authentication plugin management classes moving Options class since available from external authentication plugin
- Revision #bfaa6a24 [CONJ-733] Authentication plugin management using service loader. Authentication plugins now implements AuthenticationPlugin and must be declared in services. This permits automatic loading if present in classpath
- Revision #492c2e90 [CONJ-732] Driver getPropertyInfo returns no options information for empty url
- Revision #1b8c88ad Merge branch 'master' into develop
- Revision #1bcbc8c9 [misc] enwuring test stability for aurora
- Revision #955d7a9e [misc] test stability improvement on Driver deregisterDriver
- Revision #d286f819 [CONJ-729] master-slave regression: commit on read-only server Executed only when there is an active transaction on master connection
- Revision #0dba4723 [CONJ-563] handling driver possible de-reregistration then new registration
- Revision #6d55197b [misc] checktyle code correction
- Revision #0831106b [CONJ-563] ensure closing when using custom scheduler provider Removing race condition in case of Driver de-reregistration and new registration
- Revision #cbe7f560 [CONJ-563] Driver deregistration now close active thread pools. Customs pool provided interface will have to implements a new close method.
- Revision #6b473f7c [misc] correction to return expected exception type on connection error
- Revision #6caf2118 [misc] travis jdk test
- Revision #ad8b9752 Merge branch 'feature/CONJ-724' into develop
- Revision #ffa77219 [misc] connection refactoring for simplification This will a future proxy redirection evolution
- Revision #57c36588 [CONJ-725] Connection Failure when using PAM authenticated user on 10.4 MariaDB server
- Revision #501e3fbd [CONJ-724] Do not ignore the Calendar parameter in ResultSet#getTime(int, Calendar)
- Revision #89fcc879 [CONJ-724] Test passing explicit calendars to setDate/getDate/setTime/getTime/etc.
- Revision #b0ead1f1 Merge tag '2.4.3' into develop
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