MariaDB Connector/J 2.4.3 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 5 Aug 2019
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #af9d9cc1 - Merge branch '2.4.3'
- Revision #712d9d6e - [misc] Ed25519 test removal for Maxscale environment
- Revision #13c8721a - [misc] LocalDateTime test with microseconds test removal for MySQL 5.5
- Revision #896bcde4 - [misc] correcting test for aurora, since error message change according to aurora version
- Revision #21918fd3 - bump 2.4.3 version
- Revision #3ce25357 - [CONJ-719] LocalTime fractional test correction for MySQL 5.5 that doesn't support fractional dates
- Revision #fe789ffd - [CONJ-717] correction to support scalar for MySQL
- Revision #5cdf7854 - [misc] code style correction
- Revision #f22fe19b - [CONJ-722] add option blankTableNameMeta that force result-set metadata getTableName method to empty value. This is mainly for Oracle compatibility.
- Revision #c7074aad - [CONJ-717] conversion function support for other data type than default MariaDB conversion type.
- Revision #d8603ee4 - [misc] prepare statement boolean / byte better logging when exception
- Revision #ca1076c4 - [CONJ-719] LocalTime fractional second implementation
- Revision #384ea709 - [misc] test improvement for java 8 on windows
- Revision #ed04e0aa - [misc] test debugging output help
- Revision #663f8284 - [MENT-28] azure testing on ubuntu using tar server artifact
- Revision #612c2fe9 - [CONJ-716] correcting possible NPE when logging information
- Revision #0c29431f - [MENT-28] using galera build from pipeline
- Revision #bb3bddcb - [MENT-28] adding pipeline build testing id
- Revision #f8bcbc10 - Merge branch 'MENT-28' into develop
- Revision #99d88029 - Merge branch 'master' into develop
- Revision #8b2f79cf - [misc] correction test for multi-insert value
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