MariaDB Connector/J 2.4.0 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 29 Jan 2019
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #4ac64bdb - bump 2.4.0 version
- Revision #42ce66a3 - [misc] correcting JNA default version and according documentation
- Revision #bfacb306 - [CONJ-378] client can provide SPN (GSSAPI) - correction when SPN is not provided
- Revision #4a373e65 - [CONJ-378] client can provide SPN (GSSAPI)
- Revision #9cbf0698 - [misc] travis testing 10.4 build
- Revision #9d4b2576 - [CONJ-648] TLS now default to java TLS Default to permit using TLSv1.3 when available
- Revision #b070df73 - [misc] correcting test, MySQL doesn't thrown warning for "select now() = 1"
- Revision #04251f93 - [CONJ-678] permit to indicate truststore/keystore type, not relying on java default type
- Revision #7e7ad38d - [misc] deprecating Connection.getUsername(), Connection.getPort() and Connection.getHostname() and adding connection test coverage
- Revision #f4450066 - [misc] adding coverage tests, correcting test if using "useServerPrepStmts" option
- Revision #e54979c8 - [misc] adding coverage tests. - statement - ClientPrepareStatement
- Revision #6fa80dc8 - [misc] code cleaning, second round
- Revision #1daec809 - [misc] code cleaning
- Revision #4e49e338 - [CONJ-675] Multiple alternative authentication methods for the same user java implementation
- Revision #a8684028 - [test] add coverage test
- Revision #e21b8fb4 - [test] update appveyor server version and 10.4 to travis
- Revision #afed1dbe - [misc] add coverage report
- Revision #8e119f74 - [CONJ-646] Correcting possible NPE when using aurora configuration during failover when using IP address format
- Revision #af640645 - [misc] changing master detection for old server that didn't have @@innodb_read_only system variables
- Revision #c58c2ab8 - [CONJ-674] Made dumpQueriesOnException = false by default as per documentation correcting according tests
- Revision #0294357d - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/131' into develop
- Revision #71858d62 - [misc] checkstyle improvement
- Revision #29eb1794 - [CONJ-544] adding test case for session reuse
- Revision #af75571e - [CONJ-670] creating SSLContext each time to permit trustStore / keyStore changed dynamically
- Revision #196b46c7 - Made dumpQueriesOnException = false by default as per documentation. Added a unit test case for the same.
- Revision #0f9661cb - [CONJ-672] batch timeout correction to avoid hanging when using multi-send with query time
- Revision #b36423ef - [CONJ-671] Batch multi-send correction when having network outage. Depending on when network error occur, bulk threads can end in buzy wait
- Revision #272de147 - [CONJ-672] Batch using multi-send can hang when using query timeout
- Revision #d7f3bdad - [CONJ-673] Abording a connection while fetching a query won't read the whole result-set
- Revision #d6fbdc4b - [CONJ-669] No such column exception when reading result-set when empty column name
- Revision #a9a15c2f - [CONJ-589] clob truncation on last byte correction report test on appropriate test case
- Revision #0d2baa4e - [CONJ-589] clob length and truncate methods to behave correctly for characters encoded in 2 UTF-16 characters
- Revision #c742e2b6 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/128' into develop
- Revision #1c604d1f - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/129' into develop
- Revision #af730b0b - [CONJ-659] correction of nanosecond ATOI handling to permit resultset.getTimestamp()
- Revision #4eab1766 - [CONJ-665] protocol exchange using utf8, not utf8mb4 for server <= 5.1 Patch from Erik Karlsson
- Revision #0671c92c - [CONJ-659] correction of ATOI parsing to permit resultset.getDate() on String data with timestamps format
- Revision #5c10812e - [CONJ-667] Support MYSQL_TYPE_JSON data type in getObject to return String and not throwing Exception
- Revision #92a1aefa - [CONJ-659] improve text performance reading date/time/timestamp resultset parsing with atoi
- Revision #013a3352 - [CONJ-664] client prepare statement parsing double slash incorrectly
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