MariaDB Connector/J 2.2.6 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 19 Jul 2018
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #1e2c912c - Bump 2.2.6 version
- Revision #b626e026 - [CONJ-384] add option "useAffectedRow" test and documentation
- Revision #91be0a9f - [misc] remove test not stable for aurora
- Revision #32fdd7f0 - [misc] change appveyor to last recent MariaDB released version
- Revision #a7e50a9b - [misc] add testing with java oraclejdk-ea allowed to fail, since not fully reliable
- Revision #e0e946e3 - [misc] travis test correction: work even if Travis secure environment variables are not accessible (in Pull request)
- Revision #ff9926c3 - [CONJ-624] MariaDbPoolDataSource possible NPE on configuration getter
- Revision #d4fcfbeb - CONJ-623 / Increase connection logging when Primary node connection fails
- Revision #803825eb - [CONJ-622] The option connectTimeout takes in account DriverManager getLoginTimeout() va
- Revision #78736434 - [CONJ-621] escaping when having curly bracket in table field name (backtick)
- Revision #db8da1f4 - [misc] better unexcepected character when malformed String (wrong surrogate)
- Revision #7db9cbb4 - [misc] testing correction when testSingleHost is false
- Revision #8a4877ed - [CONJ-618] Client prepared statement parsing double slash as comment error
- Revision #b24e66b0 - fixed formatting
- Revision #eac3d315 - Update
- Revision #e9e8acc4 - [CONJ-618] Client preparestatement parsing error on escaped ' / " in query (not parameters)
- Revision #f5587acc - [misc] removing one test for aurora
- Revision #80695d9b - [misc] add oracle java 10 and ea to travis
- Revision #caad0f16 - update README java 6-7 to last version 1.7.4
- Revision #bc8fe422 - change README to last version 2.2.5
- Revision #96c722e2 - [misc] documentation format correction
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