MariaDB Connector/J 2.2.2 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 20 Feb 2018
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #8edfd270 - tag 2.2.2
- Revision #2226af32 - [misc] improving test stability
- Revision #df969973 - remove sql:2003 keywords
- Revision #37de02c5 - return a real row number from a result set in case of streaming except result sets of scrolling type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY
- Revision #151c4d04 - [misc] improving test stability
- Revision #779d02ad - [CONJ-560] set java 9 module name as "org.mariadb.jdbc"
- Revision #d2ebab14 - [misc] test stability improvement
- Revision #4d3d712b - added missing keywords to meta data
- Revision #1dbc32a0 - Fix secondary failure on substring with maxFieldSize
- Revision #8d4f080a - Take maxFieldSize only if length is larger
- Revision #1c380a80 - Take maxFieldSize only if length is larger
- Revision #d8f27e73 - [misc] error message corrected
- Revision #c1f2b996 - [CONJ-578] ensure appVeyor test stability - part 2
- Revision #06552070 - [CONJ-578] ensure appVeyor test stability
- Revision #15eb781e - [CONJ-578] appVeyor test with all MariaDB servers
- Revision #bfc4bfc3 - [misc] ensure escape for specials characters
- Revision #252793f8 - [CONJ-576] add error information on getter on result-set with wrong column name
- Revision #dfe57b01 - [misc] checkstyle correction
- Revision #0f5b4582 - [misc] add testcase for MDEV-15133
- Revision #f88098f5 - [CONJ-574] forcing using toLowerCase/toUpperCase with Locale.ROOT when retrieving column by name to avoid issues if current local special casing rules.
- Revision #7fa51b38 - [CONJ-570] Add tests for 10.3.3 INVISIBLE column
- Revision #a2e97693 - [CONJ-567] correction of rewritten URL for metadata.getURL();
- Revision #d84eeec6 - [CONJ-571] Permit java 9 serialization filtering - checkstyle review
- Revision #91e6cb50 - [CONJ-571] Permit java 9 serialization filtering
- Revision #3bbadbdb - [CONJ-564] Replace Exceptions base on java.lang.Error by likewise java.lang.RuntimeException replacements.
- Revision #4eb11ce2 - [misc] bump 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT
- Revision #53a4710b - [misc] improve test reliability
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