MariaDB Connector/J 1.5.5 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 9 Nov 2016
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #28d17a3 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
- Revision #015a2ae - [misc] checkstyle correction + version tag
- Revision #6444c43 - Merge pull request #91 from nokia/bug/CONJ-362
- Revision #27146f6 - [misc] changing version to 1.5.5
- Revision #58aefef - [CONJ-386] add test that reproduced hang on aurora using useBatchMultiSendOption
- Revision #a30783c - [CONJ-386] disabling useBatchMultiSend option for Aurora
- Revision #12f0b06 - [CONJ-383] handle OldAuthSwitchRequest
- Revision #1c90aa6 - [misc] adding connection thread id when throwing exception
- Revision #4a641bd - Merge branch 'feature/CONJ-381' into develop
- Revision #0d61c3a - [CONJ-381] correcting test for mysql compatibility
- Revision #6190081 - [CONJ-385] stored procedure call getUpdateCount() regression
- Revision #a4eeb01 - [misc] SSL request packet follow protocol description
- Revision #6d016c1 - [CONJ-337] correcting appveyor badge
- Revision #76b87e9 - [misc] permitting local infile tests on windows and unix
- Revision #c2c0b7f - [misc] simplify local infile test
- Revision #2dfd490 - [CONJ-337] Change jna exception catch to prevent maven jna multiple version incompatibility
- Revision #92c7ac2 - [CONJ-337] add github appveyor badge
- Revision #de90faa - [misc] handling case of jna is present, but not jna-platform when used on windows
- Revision #ac91863 - Merge branch 'feature/CONJ-337' into develop
- Revision #a8f8ab9 - [CONJ-382] avoid connection leak if max_connections is reached
- Revision #cd96e6c - [CONJ-381] metadata precision, scale and length correction
- Revision #4a52270 - [CONJ-379] Metadata TINYTEXT type return wrong (Types.LONGVARCHAR instead of Types.VARCHAR)
- Revision #e6c3b02 - [CONJ-375] LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE correction using compression when compression ratio isn't reached
- Revision #04830c5 - [misc] checkStyle correction
- Revision #01ad520 - [CONJ-375] LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE correction for file length > 16mb
- Revision #3180799 - [CONJ-376] Permit protocol compression only if server permit it - mascale compatibility
- Revision #ade39ab - [CONJ-337] checkStyle correction
- Revision #566e81e - [CONJ-337] add appveyor CI
- Revision #441ce87 - Fixing NPE due to incorrect use of CopyOnWriteArrayList
- Revision #73071ec - Merge branch 'feature/CONJ-370' into develop
- Revision #32e49de - Merge branch 'develop' into feature/CONJ-370
- Revision #708c011 - Merge branch 'feature/CONJ-369' into develop
- Revision #4ff3402 - [CONJ-369] correction for 10.2 server compatibility
- Revision #1e1bafb - [CONJ-369] Encoding correction on clob column with useServerPrepStmts set to true
- Revision #7c1fa1b - [CONJ-370] SSL coherence : use KeyStore default property when not using keyStore option
- Revision #ba35d54 - [misc] better memory release for result set, avoiding the need of major garbage collection
- Revision #a69ab38 - [misc] minor performance improvement reading BIGINT with getInt() / getLong()
- Revision #df2bbb7 - [misc] add more informative message for streaming result set
- Revision #45bc83c - [misc] revert correction for BigInt parsing
- Revision #bb0276f - [misc] minor performance improvement
- Revision #7f44c9a - [documentation] improve resultSet streaming description
- Revision #41899a4 - Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- Revision #4cc5513 - Merge pull request #89 from lhost/develop
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