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MariaDB Connector/J 1.4.0 Release Notes

The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2

Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview

Release date: 1 Apr 2016

An issue was reported as a "Blocker" in this version.
Please use the corrected version 1.4.3.

Issue resolution in MariaDB is visible through the corresponding ticket in MariaDB’s tracking system (JIRA):

For a description of MariaDB Connector/J see the About MariaDB Connector/J page

For a list of all changes made in this release, with links to detailed information on each push, see the changelog.

This version is a bugfix / performance improvement release.

Notable changes and additions

Complete implementation of fetch size

CONJ-26 JDBC allows specifying the number of rows fetched for a query, and this number is referred to as the fetch size. Before version 1.4.0, queries were loading all results or row by row using Statement.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE). Now it's possible to set the fetch size according to your needs. Loading all results for large result sets uses a lot of memory. This functionality permits saving memory without a performance decrease.

Memory footprint improvement

CONJ-125 - Buffers have been optimized to reduced memory footprint

CallableStatement performance improvement

CONJ-209 - Calling function / procedure performance is now optimized according to the query. Depending on the queries, the difference can be up to 300%.

Authentication evolution

CONJ-251 Permit new authentication possibilities : PAM authentication, and GSSAPI/SSPI authentication.

The GSSAPI/SSPI authentication plugin for MariaDB permits passwordless login.

On Unix systems, GSSAPI is usually synonymous with Kerberos authentication. Windows has a slightly different but very similar API called SSPI that, along with Kerberos, also supports NTLM authentication.

See more details at: GSSAPI/SSPI configuration

Connection attributes

CONJ-217 - Driver information is now sent to connection attributes tables (performance_schema must be activated). A new option "connectionAttributes" permits adding client-specific data.

For example when connecting with the following connection string "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testj?user=root&connectionAttributes=myOption:1,mySecondOption:'jj'", if performance_schema is activated, information about this connection will be available during the time this connection is active :

select * from performance_schema.session_connect_attrs where processList_id = 5
|5               |_client_name     |MariaDB connector/J  |0                 |
|5               |_client_version  |1.4.0-SNAPSHOT       |1                 |
|5               |_os              |Windows 8.1          |2                 | 
|5               |_pid             |14124@portable-diego |3                 |
|5               |_thread          |5                    |4                 |
|5               |_java_vendor     |Oracle Corporation   |5                 |
|5               |_java_version    |1.7.0_79             |6                 |
|5               |myOption         |1                    |7                 |
|5               |mySecondOption   |'jj'                 |8                 |

Minor evolution

  • CONJ-210 : adding a "jdbcCompliantTruncation" option to force truncation warning as an SQLException.
  • CONJ-211 : when in master/slave configuration, option "assureReadOnly" will ensure that slaves are in read-only mode ( forcing transaction by a query "SET SESSION TRANSACTION READ ONLY").
  • CONJ-213 : new option "continueBatchOnError". Permit to continue batch when an exception occur : When executing a batch and an error occur, must the batch stop immediatly (default) or finish remaining batch before throwing exception.


  • CONJ-236 : Using a parametrized query with a smallint -1 does return the unsigned value
  • CONJ-250 : Tomcat doesn't stop when using Aurora failover configuration
  • CONJ-269 : handle server configuration autocommit=0
  • CONJ-271 : ResultSet.first() may throw SQLDataException: Current position is before the first row

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