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MariaDB Connector/C++ 1.1.0 Release Notes

MariaDB Connector/C++ is the interface between C++ applications and MariaDB Server. MariaDB Connector/C++ enables development of C++ applications using a JDBC-based API, which is also used by MariaDB Connector/J.

MariaDB Connector/C++ 1.1.0 was released on 2021-08-06. This release is of Beta maturity, and should not be used with production workloads.

MariaDB Connector/C++ implements the MySQL protocol using the MariaDB Connector/C API. This release depends on Connector/C 3.2.3.

Notable Changes

  • The default connection character set is utf8mb4. (CONCPP-91)
  • Re-execution or destruction on any type of statement object closes all of its result-sets. (CONCPP-88)
  • ResultSet streaming is supported. The defaultFetchSize connection option sets the default number of rows in a result-sets retrieved at a time. The setFetchSize statement method sets number of rows for the statement. (CONCPP-72)

Notable API Changes

  • sql::Properties class passed to connect methods is a class defined in the library. DatabaseMetaData::getTables accepts the sql::List class object. Methods still accept std::map and std::list objects. (CONCPP-83)
  • SQLString class supports find methods. (CONCPP-90)
  • Properties parameters to connect methods are const (CONCPP-82)
  • SQLString constructor from std::string is not exported on Windows. (CONCPP-85)


Install MariaDB Connector/C++

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