This is a read-only copy of the MariaDB Knowledgebase generated on 2024-09-21. For the latest, interactive version please visit

MariaDB 11.7.0 Release Notes

Release date: Unreleased

Do not use alpha releases in production!

MariaDB 11.7 is a rolling release. It is an evolution of MariaDB 11.6 with several entirely new features.

MariaDB 11.7.0 is a single preview release. Features are to be considered preview, and none are guaranteed to make it into MariaDB 11.7.

For an overview of MariaDB 11.7 see the What is MariaDB 11.7? page.

Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB!

Notable Items

  • MDEV-25008 Single-table UPDATE/DELETE: make cost-based choice between subquery strategies
  • MDEV-27277 Please add a warning when max_sort_length is reached.
  • MDEV-27293 Allow converting a versioned table from implicit to explicit row_start/row_end columns
  • MDEV-30908 Create INVOKING_USER() function
  • MDEV-33144 Implement the Percona variable slow_query_log_always_write_time
  • MDEV-12252 ROW data type for stored function return values
  • MDEV-31466 Add optional correlation column list for derived tables
  • MDEV-34137 Implement the GIS function ST_Validate
  • MDEV-34138 Implement the GIS function MBRCoveredBy
  • MDEV-34141 Implement the GIS function ST_Simplify
  • MDEV-34158 Implement the GIS function ST_GeoHash
  • MDEV-34159 Implement the GIS function ST_LatFromGeoHash
  • MDEV-34160 Implement the GIS function ST_LongFromGeoHash
  • MDEV-34276 Implement the GIS function ST_IsValid
  • MDEV-34278 Implement the GIS function ST_Collect

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