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Release Notes for MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.2.40-13

This thirteenth release of MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.2 is a maintenance release. This release includes a variety of fixes.

MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.2.40-13 was released on 2021-09-14.

Fixed Security Vulnerabilities

CVE (with link)CVSS base score

Notable Changes

  • Galera updated to 25.3.34
  • ARM64 is now supported for several platforms
  • The script wsrep_sst_mariabackup checks all server-related configuration groups when processing a configuration file. (MDEV-25669)
    • Prior to this release, only the [mysqld] configuration group was checked when processing a configuration file.
  • MariaDB Enterprise Backup expects --stream=mbstream to stream a backup using the included mbstream utility. (MDEV-15730)
    • Prior to this release, MariaDB Enterprise Backup expected --stream=mbstream, even though the xbstream utility had been renamed to mbstream.
  • InnoDB no longer acquires advisory file locks by default. (MDEV-24393)

Issues Fixed

Can result in a hang or crash

  • Possible server crash when pushing a WHERE condition over a mergeable derived table / view / CTE DT into a grouping view / derived table / CTE V whose item list contained set functions with constant arguments. (MDEV-25635)
  • Server crashes on second execution of a stored procedure or a prepared statement when the corresponding query executes a window function on a view, CTE, or derived table. (MDEV-25565)
  • Server crashes possible when executing a prepared statement with a hanging recursive CTE. (MDEV-26135)
  • Server crashes while executing query with a CTE in a prepared statement or stored procedure. (MDEV-26025)
  • Server crashes while executing query with a recursive CTE that is indirectly used twice. (MDEV-26202)
  • Server crashes due to infinite recursion while processing an embedded recursive CTE with missing RECURSIVE. (MDEV-26095)
  • Server crashes in InnoDB deadlock checker under high load. (MDEV-25594)
  • Server crashes when a virtual generated column has a prefix index. (MDEV-26220)
  • Server crashes when a subquery references an outer column in an ORDER BY clause. (MDEV-25629)
  • Server crashes due to a stack overrun in the query optimizer while executing query with more than 32 equality conditions that compare columns of different tables (such as tableX.colX=tableY.colY). (MDEV-17783)
  • Server crashes when a window function is the left expression of an IN(SELECT ..) subquery. (MDEV-25630)
  • Server crashes while executing TRUNCATE on an InnoDB table with a Full-Text Index. (MDEV-25663)
  • Server crashes while executing ALTER TABLE on an InnoDB table with virtual generated columns that are indexed. (MDEV-25872)

Can result in unexpected behavior

  • When an unknown column is referenced in the WHERE clause of a recursive CTE, the query sometimes succeeds instead of failing with an ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR. (MDEV-26189)
  • With MariaDB Enterprise Cluster, when wsrep_sst_method=mariabackup, MariaDB Enterprise Backup does not inherit server options set by the Environment systemd configuration parameter. (MDEV-24962)

As a result of this issue, a Joiner node writes the following error to the MariaDB Error Log

tail: cannot open 'mysql-bin.index' for reading: No such file or directory
  • With MariaDB Enterprise Cluster, when wsrep_sst_method=rsync is set, rsync for a new SST process may be killed rather than the rsync for the old SST process. (MDEV-25880)
  • With MariaDB Enterprise Cluster, the WSREP threads could write warnings about foreign keys to the MariaDB Error Log when wsrep_debug is not enabled. (MDEV-26062)
    • In prior releases, the following warning could be written to the log:
      InnoDB: WSREP: referenced FK check fail: Lock wait index `PRIMARY` table `schema`.`child_table`
    • Starting with this release, the WSREP threads will only write warnings about foreign keys to the MariaDB Error Log when wsrep_debug is enabled.
  • The Spider storage engine handles ">=" as ">" in some cases, where multi-column indexes are used. (MDEV-25985)
  • The "Condition pushdown into derived table" optimization cannot be applied if the expression being pushed refers to a derived table column which is computed from an expression that has a stored function call, @session variable reference, or other similar construct. (MDEV-25969)
  • A query that uses ORDER BY .. LIMIT clause and "Range checked for each record" optimization could produce incorrect results. (MDEV-25858)
  • Wrong result when selecting from views, derived tables, or CTEs with the form (SELECT .. LIMIT <n>) ORDER BY .. (MDEV-25679)

Interface Changes

  • KEYWORDS information schema table added


In alignment to the enterprise lifecycle, MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.2.40-13 is provided for:

  • CentOS 7 (x86_64)
  • CentOS 8 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • Debian 9 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (x86_64)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (x86_64)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • Microsoft Windows (x86_64)

Some components of MariaDB Enterprise Server might not support all platforms. For additional information, see "MariaDB Corporation Engineering Policies".

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