This is a read-only copy of the MariaDB Knowledgebase generated on 2025-02-22. For the latest, interactive version please visit

New Features for mysqltest in MariaDB

Note that not all MariaDB-enhancements are listed on this page. See mariadb-test and mariadb-test-embedded for a full set of options.

Startup Option --connect-timeout


This can be used to set the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT parameter of mysql_options, to change the number of seconds before an unsuccessful connection attempt times out.

Test Commands for Handling Warnings During Prepare Statements

  • enable_prepare_warnings;
  • disable_prepare_warnings;

Normally, when running with the prepared statement protocol with warnings enabled and executing a statement that returns a result set (like SELECT), warnings that occur during the execute phase are shown, but warnings that occur during the prepare phase are ''not'' shown. The reason for this is that some warnings are returned both during prepare and execute; if both copies of warnings were shown, then test cases would show different number of warnings between prepared statement execution and normal execution (where there is no prepare phase).

The enable_prepare_warnings command changes this so that warnings from both the prepare and execute phase are shown, regardless of whether the statement produces a result set in the execute phase. The disable_prepare_warnings command reverts to the default behaviour.

These commands only have effect when running with the prepared statement protocol (--ps-protocol) and with warnings enabled (enable_warnings). Furthermore, they only have effects for statements that return a result set (as for statements without result sets, warnings from are always shown when warnings are enabled).

The replace_regex command supports paired delimiters (like in perl, etc). If the first non-space character in the replace_regex argument is one of (, [, {, <, then the pattern should end with ), ], }, > accordingly. The replacement string can use its own pair of delimiters, not necessarily the same as the pattern. If the first non-space character in the replace_regex argument is not one of the above, then it should also separate the pattern and the replacement string and it should end the replacement string. Backslash can be used to escape the current terminating character as usual. The examples below demonstrate valid usage of replace_regex:

--replace_regex (/some/path)</another/path> --replace_regex !/foo/bar!foobar! --replace_regex {pat\}tern}/replace\/ment/i

Dumping "exec" output on errors only

Sometimes it is only interesting to see the output of a utility to stdout/stderr, if utility failed. In case of success , the output might be unpredictable, and contain timestamps, startup messages etc. mariabackup can be a good example of such utility.

mysqltest in MariaDB can helps in this situation. In the example below, the output of $XTRABACKUP is suppressed, however if exec fails, stdout and stderr both will be dumped , to aid diagnostics:

--disable_result_log exec $XTRABACKUP --param1 --param2 # Note, do not use output redirection here --enable_result_log

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