There was a problem with the trigger in the project...
For security reasons, I apologize for not being able to upload the DB schema. I have table 'A' and history table 'B' of 'A'. A trigger was created to detect INSERT in table 'A', and if ROW is INSERT in table 'A', ROW is INSERT in table 'B' without any conditions. (AFTER INSERT) I know that the row is inserted into table A, and then the row is inserted into table B due to a trigger is executed within the same transaction. Then, the ROW in the 'A' table should also be in the 'B' table, but I found a ROW in the 'A' table but not in the 'B' table. I don't know where the problem is. There are no conditions for the trigger. I need to solve the problem and I need help. The MariaDB version is 10.2.41-MariaDB-log, which uses the innodb engine.