This is a read-only copy of the MariaDB Knowledgebase generated on 2025-03-04. For the latest, interactive version please visit

Contributing to the MariaDB Project

The success of MariaDB depends on the participation of the community. MariaDB would not be as good as it is today without the participation of the entire MariaDB community.

Getting Started

There are several ways to contribute besides Contributing Code, and not all of them require strong C/C++ skills. Areas for non-developers include:

Contributing to the Knowledge Base is a great way to help improve MariaDB.

MariaDB Email Lists

A great way to get started in MariaDB is to participate in e-mail discussions via our Launchpad lists (whichever list best matches your interests):

Sensitive security issues can be sent directly to the persons responsible for MariaDB security: security [AT] mariadb (dot) org.

You can find additional email address, email archives and ways to connect with MariaDB people here.

All MariaDB contributors are expected to follow the Ubuntu Code Of Conduct.

Getting Started for Developers

See also the pages for new developers on the MariaDB Foundation website:

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