This is a read-only copy of the MariaDB Knowledgebase generated on 2025-02-23. For the latest, interactive version please visit

Prestazioni delle tabelle MEMORY

Tra MariaDB 5.5.21 e 5.5.22 è stato ottimizzato il modo in cui vengono creati gli indici hash delle tabelle MEMORY. Ora, quando si inseriscono delle righe in una tabella MEMORY, le prestazioni sono migliori.

Il seguente benchmark confronta MariaDB-5.5.21 con 5.5.25. Sono compilati sulla stessa macchina e con opzioni identiche. Sono stati caricati 50 milioni di righe in una tabella MEMORY utilizzando LOAD DATA INFILE.

Sono state testate due tabelle differenti: una aveva una colonna INT indicizzata, mentre l'altra aveva un indice su un campo CHAR(20). I file dei dati sono stati generati in precedenza e si trovavano su un SSD. Perché l'effetto fosse visibile, la velocità della CPU è stata impostata al minimo (core I5 @ 800Mhz)


Tipo tabellaVersione di MariaDBRighe al secondoPercentuale

Ecco come è stato eseguito il benchmark:

MariaDB [test]> tee 5.5.21.txt
MariaDB [test]> set @instance="5.5.21";
MariaDB [test]> source bench.sql

Lo script usato per generare i file dei dati:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w                                                              

open F, ">/tmp/hash1.txt" or die;                                               
for ($i=0; $i<$ROWS; $i++) {                                                    
    printf F "%d\n", int(rand($ROWS));                                          
close F or die;                                                                 
open F, ">/tmp/hash2.txt" or die;                                               
for ($i=0; $i<$ROWS; $i++) {                                                    
    for (1..20) { $s .= chr(ord('a')+int(rand(26))); }                          
    print F $s, "\n";                                                           
close F or die;

Lo script SQL bench.sql:

use test;                                                                       
-- need big heap tables                                                         
set max_heap_table_size=4*1024*1024*1024;                                       
-- table to hold test results                                                   
create table if not exists results (                                            
  id serial,                                                                    
  operation char(32),                                                           
  opsize bigint unsigned,                                                       
  started datetime,                                                             
  ended datetime,                                                               
  instance char(20)                                                             
-- dummy run with second data file                                              
drop table if exists t1;                                                        
create table t1 (c1 char(20), index (c1)) engine memory;                        
load data infile "/tmp/hash2.txt" into table t1;                                
drop table t1;                                                                  
-- do total of 5 runs for each table                                            
-- run #1                                                                       
create table t1 (c1 int, index (c1)) engine memory;                             
select @t1:=now();                                                              
load data infile "/tmp/hash1.txt" into table t1;                                
select @t2:=now();                                                              
select @rows:=count(*) from t1;                                                 
insert into results (operation, opsize, started, ended, instance)               
values ("load into INT table", @rows, @t1, @t2, @instance);                     
drop table t1;                                                                  
create table t1 (c1 char(20), index (c1)) engine memory;                        
select @t1:=now();                                                              
load data infile "/tmp/hash2.txt" into table t1;                                
select @t2:=now();                                                              
select @rows:=count(*) from t1;                                                 
insert into results (operation, opsize, started, ended, instance)               
values ("load into CHAR(20) table", @rows, @t1, @t2, @instance);                
drop table t1;                                                                  
-- run #2                                                                       
create table t1 (c1 int, index (c1)) engine memory;                             
select @t1:=now();                                                              
load data infile "/tmp/hash1.txt" into table t1;                                
select @t2:=now();                                                              
select @rows:=count(*) from t1;                                                 
insert into results (operation, opsize, started, ended, instance)               
values ("load into INT table", @rows, @t1, @t2, @instance);                     
drop table t1;                                                                  
create table t1 (c1 char(20), index (c1)) engine memory;                        
select @t1:=now();                                                              
load data infile "/tmp/hash2.txt" into table t1;                                
select @t2:=now();                                                              
select @rows:=count(*) from t1;                                                 
insert into results (operation, opsize, started, ended, instance)               
values ("load into CHAR(20) table", @rows, @t1, @t2, @instance);                
drop table t1;                                                                  
-- run #3                                                                       
create table t1 (c1 int, index (c1)) engine memory;                             
select @t1:=now();                                                              
load data infile "/tmp/hash1.txt" into table t1;                                
select @t2:=now();                                                              
select @rows:=count(*) from t1;                                                 
insert into results (operation, opsize, started, ended, instance)               
values ("load into INT table", @rows, @t1, @t2, @instance);                     
drop table t1;                                                                  
create table t1 (c1 char(20), index (c1)) engine memory;                        
select @t1:=now();                                                              
load data infile "/tmp/hash2.txt" into table t1;                                
select @t2:=now();                                                              
select @rows:=count(*) from t1;                                                 
insert into results (operation, opsize, started, ended, instance)               
values ("load into CHAR(20) table", @rows, @t1, @t2, @instance);                
drop table t1;                                                                  
-- run #4                                                                       
create table t1 (c1 int, index (c1)) engine memory;                             
select @t1:=now();                                                              
load data infile "/tmp/hash1.txt" into table t1;                                
select @t2:=now();                                                              
select @rows:=count(*) from t1;                                                 
insert into results (operation, opsize, started, ended, instance)               
values ("load into INT table", @rows, @t1, @t2, @instance);                     
drop table t1;                                                                  
create table t1 (c1 char(20), index (c1)) engine memory;                        
select @t1:=now();                                                              
load data infile "/tmp/hash2.txt" into table t1;                                
select @t2:=now();                                                              
select @rows:=count(*) from t1;                                                 
insert into results (operation, opsize, started, ended, instance)               
values ("load into CHAR(20) table", @rows, @t1, @t2, @instance);                
drop table t1;                                                                  
-- run #5                                                                       
create table t1 (c1 int, index (c1)) engine memory;                             
select @t1:=now();                                                              
load data infile "/tmp/hash1.txt" into table t1;                                
select @t2:=now();                                                              
select @rows:=count(*) from t1;                                                 
insert into results (operation, opsize, started, ended, instance)               
values ("load into INT table", @rows, @t1, @t2, @instance);                     
show table status like 't1';                                                    
drop table t1;                                                                  
create table t1 (c1 char(20), index (c1)) engine memory;                        
select @t1:=now();                                                              
load data infile "/tmp/hash2.txt" into table t1;                                
select @t2:=now();                                                              
select @rows:=count(*) from t1;                                                 
insert into results (operation, opsize, started, ended, instance)               
values ("load into CHAR(20) table", @rows, @t1, @t2, @instance);                
show table status like 't1';                                                    
drop table t1;                                                                  

-- list all results                                                             
select operation, instance, unix_timestamp(ended)-unix_timestamp(started) as duration,                                                                          
 opsize/(unix_timestamp(ended)-unix_timestamp(started)) as ops_per_sec          
from results order by operation, instance, started;                             
-- list average results                                                         
select operation, instance, avg(opsize/(unix_timestamp(ended)-unix_timestamp(started))) as avg_ops_per_sec                                                      
from results group by operation, instance;                                      
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