Un elenco di presentazioni relative a MariaDB che si sono svolte in diverse conferenze.
New features in MariaDB and MySQL query optimizers
Sergei Petrunia
MariaDB CONNECT Storage Engine
Serge Frezefond
Using Perl Stored Procedures for MariaDB
Antony Curtis
MariaDB 5.5 – ветка MySQL с эволюционными и революционными изменениями - in russo, "MariaDB 5.5 - un branch di MySQL con cambiamenti evolutivi e rivoluzionari" ¶
Sergei Petrunia - DevConf 2012 2012-06-09
Improving MySQL/MariaDB query performance through optimizer tuning
Sergei Petrunia, Timour Katchaounov - Percona Live 2012 04-10-2012
Replication features of 2011: what they were, how to get and how to use them
Sergei Petrunia - FOSDEM 2012 MySQL Devroom 02-07-2012
MariaDB 5.3's query optimizer: taking the dolphin to where he's never been before
Sergei Petrunia - FOSDEM 2012 MySQL Devroom 02-07-2012
Pluggable Authentication in MariaDB and MySQL
Sergei Golubchik - Percona Live MySQL Conference: London October 2011 - 10-25-2011
Subqueries to the People: MariaDB Making the Impossible Possible and the Slow Fast
Timour Katchaounov - O'Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo 2011 - 04-14-2011
Monty Widenius - O'Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo 2011 - 04-13-2011
Monty Widenius and Sanja Byelkin - O'Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo 2011 - 04-13-2011
Colin Charles - O'Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo 2011 - 04-12-2011
New query optimizer features in MariaDB
Sergey Petrunya - FOSDEM 2011 MySQL & Friends devroom