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Virtual Column Support in the Optimizer

MariaDB starting with 11.8

Starting from MariaDB 11.8, the optimizer can recognize use of indexed virtual column expressions in the WHERE clause and use them to construct range and ref(const) accesses.

Motivating Example

Suppose one has a table with data in JSON:

create table t1 (json_data JSON);
insert into t1 values('{"column1": 1234}'); 
insert into t1 ...

In order to do efficient queries over data in JSON, one can add a virtual column and an index on it:

alter table t1
  add column vcol1 int as (cast(json_value(json_data, '$.column1') as integer)),
  add index(vcol1);

Before MariaDB 11.8, one had to use vcol1 in the WHERE clause. Now, one can use the virtual column expression, too:

-- This will use the index before 11.8:
explain select * from t1 where vcol1=100;
-- Starting from 11.8, this will use the index, too:
explain select * from t1 
where cast(json_value(json_data, '$.column1') as integer)=100;
| id   | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key   | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|    1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | ref  | vcol1         | vcol1 | 5       | const | 1    |       |

General Considerations

  • In MariaDB, one has to create a virtual column and then create an index over it. Other databases allow to create an index directly over expression: create index on t1((col1+col2)). This is not yet supported in MariaDB (MDEV-35853).
  • The WHERE clause must use the exact same expression as in the virtual column definition.
  • The optimization is implemented in a similar way to MySQL: the optimizer finds potentially useful occurrences of vcol_expr in the WHERE clause and replaces them with vcol_name.
  • In the optimizer trace, the rewrites are shown like so:
            "virtual_column_substitution": {
              "condition": "WHERE",
              "resulting_condition": "t1.vcol1 = 100"

Accessing JSON fields

Cast the value to the desired type

SQL is strongly-typed language while JSON is weakly-typed. This means one must specify the desired datatype when accessing JSON data from SQL. In the above example, we declared vcol1 as INT and then used (CAST ... AS INTEGER) (both in the ALTER TABLE and in the WHERE clause in SELECT query:):

alter table t1
  add column vcol1 INT as (CAST(json_value(json_data, '$.column1') AS INTEGER)) ...
select ...  where ... CAST(json_value(json_data, '$.column1') AS INTEGER) ...;

Specify collation for strings

When extracting string values, CAST is not necessary, as JSON_VALUE returns strings.

However, one must take into account collations. If one declares the column as JSON:

create table t1 ( 
  json_data JSON 

the collation of json_data will be utf8mb4_bin. The collation of JSON_VALUE(json_data, ...) will also be utf8mb4_bin.

Most use cases require a more commonly-used collation. It is possible to achieve that using the COLLATE clause:

alter table t1
  add col1 varchar(100) collate utf8mb4_uca1400_ai_ci as
  (json_value(js1, '$.string_column') collate utf8mb4_uca1400_ai_ci),
  add index(col1);
select  ... 
  json_value(js1, '$.string_column') collate utf8mb4_uca1400_ai_ci='string-value';


  • MDEV-35616: Add basic optimizer support for virtual columns
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