My MariaDB suddenly not working and it is looking a table that does not exist when uploading my csv
For 4 years my MariaDB has been working but this month it suddenly became less responsive so I did a check, optimize, and repair and do a optimization on MariaDB-server.cnf. I used this script to upload my csv file to the mariadb server: I call this bash script ""
or file in /home/devdb/incoming/*.csv; do file_name=${file##*/} file_path=${file%/*} file_path_incoming="${file_path}/${file_name}" file_path_process="${file_path}/processing/${file_name}" file_path_archive="${file_path}/archive/${file_name}" #echo $file_path; #echo $file_path_incoming; #echo $file_path_process; #echo $file_path_archive; #check csv file has an header header=$(head -n 1 "$file_path_incoming") header_string="IMO_Number,SerialNo,ChannelNo,ChannelDescription,TimeStamp,Value,Unit" # Add header to csv file if not found if [[ $header != $header_string ]] then sed -i '1s/^/$header_string\n/' $file_path_incoming fi # Move file from incoming folder to processing folder. echo "Move $file_name to processing to folder" mv -f $file_path_incoming $file_path_process # Import csv file to database. Header line will skip. echo "Import $file into database" sql=" LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$file_path_process' INTO TABLE Monitoring FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 LINES (IMO_No,SerialNo,ChannelNo,ChannelDescription,TimeStampOriginal,@Value,Unit) set TimeStamp=STR_TO_DATE(TimeStampOriginal, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s+00:00'),Value = @Value,FileName='${file_name}'; " echo $sql > "${file_path}/import.sql" mysql -u root -ppassword01 drums < "${file_path}/import.sql" && mv -f $file_path_process $file_path_archive echo ""; done
And my import.sql is this:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/devdb/incoming/processing/*.csv' INTO TABLE Monitoring FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 LINES (IMO_No,SerialNo,ChannelNo,ChannelDescription,TimeStampOriginal,@Value,Unit) set TimeStamp=STR_TO_DATE(TimeStampOriginal, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s+00:00'),Value = @Value,FileName='*.csv';
These codes run in a cron job every 5 minutes when I inspect the logs there is an error:
Move MODmQueenie-2023-12-30-12-40.csv to processing to folder Import /home/devdb/incoming/MODmQueenie-2023-12-30-12-40.csv into database ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table 'drums.a' doesn't exist
I tried a different approach using python with the print(load_sql) to see if the script looks for "drums.a" but it does not. This is my python code:
import os import pandas as pd import pymysql import shutil from datetime import datetime # Database credentials and configuration db_config = { 'user': 'root', 'password': 'password01', 'host': 'localhost', 'database': 'drums', 'local_infile': True } # Directories incoming_dir = '/home/devdb/incoming' processing_dir = os.path.join(incoming_dir, 'processing') archive_dir = os.path.join(incoming_dir, 'archive') # Header for CSV files header_string = ["IMO_No", "SerialNo", "ChannelNo", "ChannelDescription", "TimeStampOriginal", "Value", "Unit"] # Function to convert TimeStampOriginal to TimeStamp def convert_timestamp(original_timestamp): return datetime.strptime(original_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Process each CSV file in the incoming directory for file_name in os.listdir(incoming_dir): if file_name.endswith('.csv'): file_path_incoming = os.path.join(incoming_dir, file_name) file_path_process = os.path.join(processing_dir, file_name) file_path_archive = os.path.join(archive_dir, file_name) # Read CSV df = pd.read_csv(file_path_incoming, names=header_string, header=None) # Convert TimeStampOriginal to TimeStamp df['TimeStamp'] = df['TimeStampOriginal'].apply(convert_timestamp) # Save the modified CSV file to processing directory df.to_csv(file_path_process, index=False, header=True) # Connect to the database and load the data try: conn = pymysql.connect(**db_config) cursor = conn.cursor() # Construct the SQL query load_sql = f""" LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '{file_path_process}' INTO TABLE monitoring FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\\n' IGNORE 1 LINES (IMO_No, SerialNo, ChannelNo, ChannelDescription, TimeStamp, Value, Unit) """ print(load_sql) cursor.execute(load_sql) conn.commit() except pymysql.MySQLError as error: print(f"Error: {error}") finally: if conn and cursor.close() conn.close() # Move file to archive directory shutil.move(file_path_process, file_path_archive) print(f"Processed and archived {file_name}")
This is the output of the python script which shows it is looking for "a" table:
Processed and archived MODmQueenie-2023-12-30-14-13.csv LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/devdb/incoming/processing/MODmQueenie-2023-12-30-14-16.csv' INTO TABLE monitoring FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 LINES (IMO_No, SerialNo, ChannelNo, ChannelDescription, TimeStamp, Value, Unit) Error: (1146, "Table 'drums.a' doesn't exist")
I inspect my database, and there is no "a" tables in my schema but my code error tells me it is looking for 'drums.a"
I dump all data which is about 40GB and put it on the cloud server hosted in Ubuntu but still the same response looking for "drums.a"
Please help me what is this causing my problem that my script looks for "a" table which is not existing on my codes that working for 4 years.
Thanks and Regards,