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privileges_by_table_by_level Sys Schema View

MariaDB starting with 11.4

This Sys Schema view was introduced in MariaDB 11.4.0.


Shows granted privileges broken down by table on which they allow access and level on which they were granted.

For example, if a user x has SELECT privilege granted ON db.*, this view will list all tables in the db schema with the user x having SELECT privilege on them. This is different from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_PRIVILEGES, which only lists privileges granted on the table level.

TABLE_SCHEMADatabase name.
TABLE_NAMETable name.
GRANTEEAccount name that was granted the privilege.
PRIVILEGEPrivilege, such as SELECT or DROP.
LEVELPrivilege level, such as GLOBAL or SCHEMA.


SELECT * FROM sys.privileges_by_table_by_level;
| TABLE_SCHEMA | TABLE_NAME | GRANTEE                   | PRIVILEGE      | LEVEL  |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | SELECT         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | SELECT         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | SELECT         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | INSERT         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | INSERT         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | INSERT         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | UPDATE         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | UPDATE         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | UPDATE         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | DELETE         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | DELETE         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | DELETE         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | CREATE         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | CREATE         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | CREATE         | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | DROP           | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | DROP           | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | DROP           | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | REFERENCES     | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | REFERENCES     | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | REFERENCES     | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | INDEX          | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | INDEX          | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | INDEX          | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | ALTER          | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | ALTER          | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | ALTER          | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | SHOW VIEW      | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | SHOW VIEW      | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | SHOW VIEW      | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | TRIGGER        | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | TRIGGER        | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | TRIGGER        | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'root'@'localhost'        | DELETE HISTORY | GLOBAL |
| test         | t1         | 'root'@'localhost'        | DELETE HISTORY | GLOBAL |
| test         | t3         | 'root'@'localhost'        | DELETE HISTORY | GLOBAL |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | SELECT         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | SELECT         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | SELECT         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | INSERT         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | INSERT         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | INSERT         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | UPDATE         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | UPDATE         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | UPDATE         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | DELETE         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | DELETE         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | DELETE         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | CREATE         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | CREATE         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | CREATE         | SCHEMA |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | DROP           | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | DROP           | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | DROP           | SCHEMA |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | REFERENCES     | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | REFERENCES     | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | REFERENCES     | SCHEMA |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | INDEX          | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | INDEX          | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | INDEX          | SCHEMA |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | ALTER          | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | ALTER          | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | ALTER          | SCHEMA |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | SHOW VIEW      | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | SHOW VIEW      | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | SHOW VIEW      | SCHEMA |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | TRIGGER        | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | TRIGGER        | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | TRIGGER        | SCHEMA |
| test         | t2         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | DELETE HISTORY | SCHEMA |
| test         | t1         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | DELETE HISTORY | SCHEMA |
| test         | t3         | 'PUBLIC'@''               | DELETE HISTORY | SCHEMA |

See Also

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