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OpenStreetMap Dataset

This page describes how to use the OpenStreetMap dataset in testing.

Database Schema

The database schema is available here. To import:

mysqladmin create osm
cat osmdb06.sql | mysql osm

By default, this schema uses a mixture of InnoDB and MyISAM tables. To convert all tables to Aria:

sed -i -e 's/InnoDB/Aria/gi' osmdb06.sql
sed -i -e 's/MyISAM/Aria/gi' osmdb06.sql

30 tables are created.


The data is provided in the form of XML files (.OSM files) that require the Java-based Osmosis tool to load into MariaDB. The tool is available from Version 0.36 is known to work.

Various .OSM files are available, including the entire world (>200Gb unzipped) and individual countries.

Data is loaded with the following command-line (in the example, we're using the bulgaria.osm file, replace with the file you choose):

chmod +x bin/osmosis
bin/osmosis --read-xml file=bulgaria.osm --write-apidb dbType="mysql" host="localhost:port" validateSchemaVersion=no database="osm" user="root" password="<password-goes-here>"

Data is inserted into 19 tables, as follows:

MariaDB [(none)]> use information_schema;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MariaDB [information_schema]> select TABLE_NAME, TABLE_ROWS from TABLES
    -> where TABLE_ROWS > 0
    -> AND
    -> TABLE_SCHEMA='osm'
| TABLE_NAME               | TABLE_ROWS |
| current_way_nodes        |    1559099 |
| way_nodes                |    1559099 |
| current_nodes            |    1477247 |
| nodes                    |    1477247 |
| node_tags                |     311751 |
| way_tags                 |     287585 |
| ways                     |     100007 |
| current_ways             |     100007 |
| changeset_tags           |      18738 |
| current_relation_members |      14560 |
| relation_members         |      14560 |
| changesets               |       9369 |
| relation_tags            |       3948 |
| current_relations        |        937 |
| relations                |        937 |
| users                    |        537 |
16 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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