node sequelize vs mariadb node interface
hello -
is there any advantage to skipping the use of sequelize and instead using the mariadb node module referenced at:
i can think of a couple of disadvantages, such as if the need arises to move away from MariaDB (very unlikely, i know....)
thank you very much.
Good news is that you don't have to choose between the two. The 5.0.0 beta of Sequelize is using the MariaDB connector, so you will get all of the performance benefits, but you will not have to move away from the advantages of using the Sequelize ORM. When using Sequelize you may discover that there are some advanced or complicated MariaDB calls (e.g. temporal queries, windowing functions) that Sequelize does not support. That is when you would write your own node.js code that makes direct use of the MariaDB driver.