mysql.proc Table
The mysql.proc
table contains information about stored procedures and stored functions. It contains similar information to that stored in the INFORMATION SCHEMA.ROUTINES table.
This table uses the Aria storage engine.
The mysql.proc
table contains the following fields:
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Description |
db | char(64) | NO | PRI | Database name. | |
name | char(64) | NO | PRI | Routine name. | |
type | enum('FUNCTION','PROCEDURE','PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY') | NO | PRI | NULL | Whether stored procedure, stored function or, from MariaDB 10.3.5, a package or package body. |
specific_name | char(64) | NO | |||
language | enum('SQL') | NO | SQL | Always SQL . | |
sql_data_access | enum('CONTAINS_SQL', 'NO_SQL', 'READS_SQL_DATA', 'MODIFIES_SQL_DATA') | NO | CONTAINS_SQL | ||
is_deterministic | enum('YES','NO') | NO | NO | Whether the routine is deterministic (can produce only one result for a given list of parameters) or not. | |
security_type | enum('INVOKER','DEFINER') | NO | DEFINER | INVOKER or DEFINER . Indicates which user's privileges apply to this routine. | |
param_list | blob | NO | NULL | List of parameters. | |
returns | longblob | NO | NULL | What the routine returns. | |
body | longblob | NO | NULL | Definition of the routine. | |
definer | char(141) | NO | If the security_type is DEFINER , this value indicates which user defined this routine. | ||
created | timestamp | NO | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Date and time the routine was created. | |
modified | timestamp | NO | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | Date and time the routine was modified. | |
comment | text | NO | NULL | Comment associated with the routine. | |
character_set_client | char(32) | YES | NULL | The character set used by the client that created the routine. | |
collation_connection | char(32) | YES | NULL | The collation (and character set) used by the connection that created the routine. | |
db_collation | char(32) | YES | NULL | The default collation (and character set) for the database, at the time the routine was created. | |
body_utf8 | longblob | YES | NULL | Definition of the routine in utf8. | |
aggregate | enum('NONE', 'GROUP') | NO | NONE | From MariaDB 10.3.3 | |
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Description |
See Also
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