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mysql.help_keyword Table

mysql.help_keyword is one of the four tables used by the HELP command. It is populated when the server is installed by the fill_help_tables.sql script. The other help tables are help_relation, help_category and help_topic.

This table uses the Aria storage engine. Prior to MariaDB 10.4 it used the MyISAM engine.

The mysql.help_keyword table contains the following fields:

help_keyword_idint(10) unsignedNOPRINULL


SELECT * FROM help_keyword;
| help_keyword_id | name                          |
|               0 | JOIN                          |
|               1 | HOST                          |
|               2 | REPEAT                        |
|               3 | SERIALIZABLE                  |
|               4 | REPLACE                       |
|               5 | AT                            |
|               6 | SCHEDULE                      |
|               7 | RETURNS                       |
|               8 | STARTS                        |
|               9 | MASTER_SSL_CA                 |
|              10 | NCHAR                         |
|              11 | COLUMNS                       |
|              12 | COMPLETION                    |
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