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mysql.columns_priv Table

The mysql.columns_priv table contains information about column-level privileges. The table can be queried and although it is possible to directly update it, it is best to use GRANT for setting privileges.

Note that the MariaDB privileges occur at many levels. A user may be granted a privilege at the column level, but may still not have permission on a table level, for example. See privileges for a more complete view of the MariaDB privilege system.

The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_PRIVILEGES table derives its contents from mysql.columns_priv.

This table uses the Aria storage engine.

The mysql.columns_priv table contains the following fields:

Hostchar(60)NOPRIHost (together with User, Db , Table_name andColumn_name makes up the unique identifier for this record.
Dbchar(64)NOPRIDatabase name (together with User, Host , Table_name andColumn_name makes up the unique identifier for this record.
Userchar(80)NOPRIUser (together with Host, Db , Table_name andColumn_name makes up the unique identifier for this record.
Table_namechar(64)NOPRITable name (together with User, Db , Host andColumn_name makes up the unique identifier for this record.
Column_namechar(64)NOPRIColumn name (together with User, Db , Table_name andHost makes up the unique identifier for this record.
Column_privset('Select', 'Insert', 'Update', 'References')NOThe privilege type. See Column Privileges for details.

The Acl_column_grants status variable indicates how many rows the mysql.columns_priv table contains.

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