This is a read-only copy of the MariaDB Knowledgebase generated on 2025-02-21. For the latest, interactive version please visit

Mirroring the MariaDB Knowledge Base

A PDF version of MariaDB Server documentation is available for download at

We've received several requests to provide an offline copy of the Knowledge Base or for a way to mirror it behind a restrictive corporate or government firewall.

A "static" version of the Knowledge Base exists at

The content of this version is always up to date, but it is missing the interactive features of the "live" Knowledge Base such as the ability to post questions, edit pages, create new pages, and so on.

Any web scraper can be used to download the Knowledge Base. For example, the following command will download a version of the Knowledge Base suitable for inclusion on a CD-ROM, or flash drive:

wget \
  -e robots=off \
  --recursive --no-clobber --page-requisites \
  --adjust-extension --convert-links \
  --restrict-file-names=windows \ \
Content reproduced on this site is the property of its respective owners, and this content is not reviewed in advance by MariaDB. The views, information and opinions expressed by this content do not necessarily represent those of MariaDB or any other party.