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MaxScale 21.06 MariaDB MaxScale 6.4.10 Release Notes -- 2023-08-30

MariaDB MaxScale 6.4.10 Release Notes -- 2023-08-30

Release 6.4.10 is a GA release.

This document describes the changes in release 6.4.10, when compared to the previous release in the same series.

If you are upgrading from an older major version of MaxScale, please read the upgrading document for this MaxScale version.

For any problems you encounter, please consider submitting a bug report on our Jira.

Bug fixes

  • MXS-4726 Session command response verification unnecessarily stores PS IDs for readconnroute
  • MXS-4717 information_schema is not invalidated as needed
  • MXS-4706 Cache does not invalidate when a table is ALTERed, DROPed or RENAMEd

Known Issues and Limitations

There are some limitations and known issues within this version of MaxScale. For more information, please refer to the Limitations document.


RPM and Debian packages are provided for the supported Linux distributions.

Packages can be downloaded here.

Source Code

The source code of MaxScale is tagged at GitHub with a tag, which is identical with the version of MaxScale. For instance, the tag of version X.Y.Z of MaxScale is maxscale-X.Y.Z. Further, the default branch is always the latest GA version of MaxScale.

The source code is available here.

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