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MaxCtrl is a command line administrative client for MaxScale which uses the MaxScale REST API for communication. It is intended to be the replacement software for the legacy MaxAdmin command line client.

By default, the MaxScale REST API listens on port 8989 on the local host. The default credentials for the REST API are admin:mariadb. The users used by the REST API are the same that are used by the MaxAdmin network interface. This means that any users created for the MaxAdmin network interface should work with the MaxScale REST API and MaxCtrl.

For more information about the MaxScale REST API, refer to the REST API documentation and the Configuration Guide.



All command accept the following global options.

  -u, --user      Username to use                    [string] [default: "admin"]
  -p, --password  Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p
                  as the last argument or use --password=''
                                                   [string] [default: "mariadb"]
  -h, --hosts     List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format
                  and each value must be separated by a comma.
                                            [string] [default: "localhost:8989"]
  -t, --timeout   Request timeout in milliseconds      [number] [default: 10000]
  -q, --quiet     Silence all output                  [boolean] [default: false]
  --tsv           Print tab separated output          [boolean] [default: false]

HTTPS/TLS Options:
  -s, --secure              Enable HTTPS requests     [boolean] [default: false]
  --tls-key                 Path to TLS private key                     [string]
  --tls-cert                Path to TLS public certificate              [string]
  --tls-ca-cert             Path to TLS CA certificate                  [string]
  --tls-verify-server-cert  Whether to verify server TLS certificates
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]

  --version         Show version number                                [boolean]
  --tls-passphrase  Password for the TLS private key                    [string]
  --help            Show help                                          [boolean]


Usage: list <command>

  servers              List servers
  services             List services
  listeners <service>  List listeners of a service
  monitors             List monitors
  sessions             List sessions
  filters              List filters
  modules              List loaded modules
  users                List created network users
  commands             List module commands

list servers

Usage: list servers

List all servers in MaxScale.

list services

Usage: list services

List all services and the servers they use.

list listeners

Usage: list listeners <service>

List listeners for a service.

list monitors

Usage: list monitors

List all monitors in MaxScale.

list sessions

Usage: list sessions

List all client sessions.

list filters

Usage: list filters

List all filters in MaxScale.

list modules

Usage: list modules

List all currently loaded modules.

list users

Usage: list users

List the users that can be used to connect to the MaxScale REST API.

list commands

Usage: list commands

List all available module commands.


Usage: show <command>

  server <server>    Show server
  service <service>  Show service
  monitor <monitor>  Show monitor
  session <session>  Show session
  filter <filter>    Show filter
  module <module>    Show loaded module
  maxscale           Show MaxScale information
  logging            Show MaxScale logging information
  commands <module>  Show module commands of a module

show server

Usage: show server <server>

Show detailed information about a server. The Parameters field contains the currently configured parameters for this server. See help alter server for more details about altering server parameters.

show service

Usage: show service <service>

Show detailed information about a service. The Parameters field contains the currently configured parameters for this service. See help alter service for more details about altering service parameters.

show monitor

Usage: show monitor <monitor>

Show detailed information about a monitor. The Parameters field contains the currently configured parameters for this monitor. See help alter monitor for more details about altering monitor parameters.

show session

Usage: show session <session>

Show detailed information about a single session. The list of sessions can be retrieved with the list sessions command. The <session> is the session ID of a particular session.

show filter

Usage: show filter <filter>

The list of services that use this filter is show in the Services field.

show module

Usage: show module <module>

This command shows all available parameters as well as detailed version information of a loaded module.

show maxscale

Usage: show maxscale

See help alter maxscale for more details about altering MaxScale parameters.

show logging

Usage: show logging

See help alter logging for more details about altering logging parameters.

show commands

Usage: show commands <module>

This command shows the parameters the command expects with the parameter descriptions.


Usage: set <command>

  server <server> <state>  Set server state

set server

Usage: set server <server> <state>

If <server> is monitored by a monitor, this command should only be used to set the server into the maintenance state. Any other states will be overridden by the monitor on the next monitoring interval. To manually control server states, use the stop monitor <name> command to stop the monitor before setting the server states manually.


Usage: clear <command>

  server <server> <state>  Clear server state

clear server

Usage: clear server <server> <state>

This command clears a server state set by the set server <server> <state> command


Usage: enable <command>

  log-priority <log>  Enable log priority [warning|notice|info|debug]
  account <name>      Activate a Linux user account for administrative use

Enable account options:
  --type  Type of user to create
                         [string] [choices: "admin", "basic"] [default: "basic"]

enable log-priority

Usage: enable log-priority <log>

The debug log priority is only available for debug builds of MaxScale.

enable account

Usage: enable account <name>

The Linux user accounts are used by the MaxAdmin UNIX Domain Socket interface


Usage: disable <command>

  log-priority <log>  Disable log priority [warning|notice|info|debug]
  account <name>      Disable a Linux user account from administrative use

disable log-priority

Usage: disable log-priority <log>

The debug log priority is only available for debug builds of MaxScale.

disable account

Usage: disable account <name>

The Linux user accounts are used by the MaxAdmin UNIX Domain Socket interface


Usage: create <command>

  server <name> <host> <port>       Create a new server
  monitor <name> <module>           Create a new monitor
  listener <service> <name> <port>  Create a new listener
  user <name> <password>            Create a new network user

Common create options:
  --protocol               Protocol module name                         [string]
  --authenticator          Authenticator module name                    [string]
  --authenticator-options  Option string for the authenticator          [string]
  --tls-key                Path to TLS key                              [string]
  --tls-cert               Path to TLS certificate                      [string]
  --tls-ca-cert            Path to TLS CA certificate                   [string]
  --tls-version            TLS version to use                           [string]
  --tls-cert-verify-depth  TLS certificate verification depth           [string]

Create server options:
  --services  Link the created server to these services                  [array]
  --monitors  Link the created server to these monitors                  [array]

Create monitor options:
  --servers           Link the created monitor to these servers          [array]
  --monitor-user      Username for the monitor user                     [string]
  --monitor-password  Password for the monitor user                     [string]

Create listener options:
  --interface  Interface to listen on                   [string] [default: "::"]

Create user options:
  --type  Type of user to create
                         [string] [choices: "admin", "basic"] [default: "basic"]

create server

Usage: create server <name> <host> <port>

The created server will not be used by any services or monitors unless the --services or --monitors options are given. The list of servers a service or a monitor uses can be altered with the link and unlink commands.

create monitor

Usage: create monitor <name> <module>

The list of servers given with the --servers option should not contain any servers that are already monitored by another monitor.

create listener

Usage: create listener <service> <name> <port>

The new listener will be taken into use immediately.

create user

Usage: create user <name> <password>

The created user can be used with the MaxScale REST API as well as the MaxAdmin network interface. By default the created user will have read-only privileges. To make the user an administrative user, use the --type=admin option.


Usage: destroy <command>

  server <name>              Destroy an unused server
  monitor <name>             Destroy an unused monitor
  listener <service> <name>  Destroy an unused listener
  user <name>                Remove a network user

destroy server

Usage: destroy server <name>

The server must be unlinked from all services and monitor before it can be destroyed.

destroy monitor

Usage: destroy monitor <name>

The monitor must be unlinked from all servers before it can be destroyed.

destroy listener

Usage: destroy listener <service> <name>

Destroying a monitor causes it to be removed on the next restart. Destroying a listener at runtime stops it from accepting new connections but it will still be bound to the listening socket. This means that new listeners cannot be created to replace destroyed listeners without restarting MaxScale.

destroy user

Usage: destroy user <name>

The last remaining administrative user cannot be removed. Create a replacement administrative user before attempting to remove the last administrative user.

Usage: link <command>

  service <name> <server...>  Link servers to a service
  monitor <name> <server...>  Link servers to a monitor

Usage: link service <name> <server...>

This command links servers to a service, making them available for any connections that use the service. Before a server is linked to a service, it should be linked to a monitor so that the server state is up to date. Newly linked server are only available to new connections, existing connections will use the old list of servers.

Usage: link monitor <name> <server...>

Linking a server to a monitor will add it to the list of servers that are monitored by that monitor. A server can be monitored by only one monitor at a time.

Usage: unlink <command>

  service <name> <server...>  Unlink servers from a service
  monitor <name> <server...>  Unlink servers from a monitor

Usage: unlink service <name> <server...>

This command unlinks servers from a service, removing them from the list of available servers for that service. New connections to the service will not use the unlinked servers but existing connections can still use the servers.

Usage: unlink monitor <name> <server...>

This command unlinks servers from a monitor, removing them from the list of monitored servers. The servers will be left in their current state when they are unlinked from a monitor.


Usage: start <command>

  service <name>  Start a service
  monitor <name>  Start a monitor
  maxscale        Start MaxScale by starting all services

start service

Usage: start service <name>

This starts a service stopped by stop service <name>

start monitor

Usage: start monitor <name>

This starts a monitor stopped by stop monitor <name>

start maxscale

Usage: start maxscale

This command will execute the start service command for all services in MaxScale.


Usage: stop <command>

  service <name>  Stop a service
  monitor <name>  Stop a monitor
  maxscale        Stop MaxScale by stopping all services

stop service

Usage: stop service <name>

Stopping a service will prevent all the listeners for that service from accepting new connections. Existing connections will still be handled normally until they are closed.

stop monitor

Usage: stop monitor <name>

Stopping a monitor will pause the monitoring of the servers. This can be used to manually control server states with the set server command.

stop maxscale

Usage: stop maxscale

This command will execute the stop service command for all services in MaxScale.


Usage: alter <command>

  server <server> <key> <value>    Alter server parameters
  monitor <monitor> <key> <value>  Alter monitor parameters
  service <service> <key> <value>  Alter service parameters
  logging <key> <value>            Alter logging parameters
  maxscale <key> <value>           Alter MaxScale parameters

alter server

Usage: alter server <server> <key> <value>

To display the server parameters, execute show server <server>

alter monitor

Usage: alter monitor <monitor> <key> <value>

To display the monitor parameters, execute show monitor <monitor>

alter service

Usage: alter service <service> <key> <value>

To display the service parameters, execute show service <service>. The following list of parameters can be altered at runtime:

[ "user", "passwd", "enable_root_user", "max_connections", "connection_timeout", "auth_all_servers", "optimize_wildcard", "strip_db_esc", "localhost_match_wildcard_host", "max_slave_connections", "max_slave_replication_lag" ]

alter logging

Usage: alter logging <key> <value>

To display the logging parameters, execute show logging

alter maxscale

Usage: alter maxscale <key> <value>

To display the MaxScale parameters, execute show maxscale. The following list of parameters can be altered at runtime:

[ "auth_connect_timeout", "auth_read_timeout", "auth_write_timeout", "admin_auth", "admin_log_auth_failures", "passive" ]


Usage: rotate <command>

  logs  Rotate log files by closing and reopening the files

rotate logs

Usage: rotate logs

This command is intended to be used with the logrotate command.


Usage: call <command>

  command <module> <command> [params...]  Call a module command

call command

Usage: call command <module> <command> [params...]

To inspect the list of module commands, execute list commands


Usage: cluster <command>

  diff <target>  Show difference between host servers and <target>.
  sync <target>  Synchronize the cluster with target MaxScale server.

cluster diff

Usage: cluster diff <target>

The list of host servers is controlled with the --hosts option. The target server should not be in the host list. Value of <target> must be in HOST:PORT format

cluster sync

Usage: cluster sync <target>

This command will alter all MaxScale instances given in the --hosts option to represent the <target> MaxScale. If the synchronization of a MaxScale instance fails, it will be disabled by executing the stop maxscale command on that instance. Synchronization can be attempted again if a previous attempt failed due to a network failure or some other ephemeral error. Any other errors require manual synchronization of the MaxScale configuration files and a restart of the failed Maxscale.


Usage: api <command>

  get <resource> [path]  Get raw JSON

API options:
  --sum  Calculate sum of API result. Only works for arrays of numbers e.g. `api
         get --sum servers data[].attributes.statistics.connections`.
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

api get

Usage: get <resource> [path]

Perform a raw REST API call. The path definition uses JavaScript syntax to extract values. For example, the following command extracts all server states as an array of JSON values: maxctrl api get servers data[].attributes.state

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