mariadb user defined aggregate function
I am using mariadb 10.3.9, and have created a user defined aggregate function (UDAF) and placed in a common_schema. This schema contains my utility functions to be used by other schema/databases on the same server.
The issue is that when calling the UDAF while using any other schema, it always return NULL!
The following is to demonstrate the issue:
CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS common_schema; DELIMITER $$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS common_schema.add_ints $$ CREATE FUNCTION common_schema.add_ints(int_1 INT, int_2 INT) RETURNS INT NO SQL BEGIN RETURN int_1 + int_2; END $$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS common_schema.sum_ints $$ CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION common_schema.sum_ints(int_val INT) RETURNS INT BEGIN DECLARE result INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND RETURN result; LOOP FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW; SET result = common_schema.add_ints(result, int_val); END LOOP; END $$ DELIMITER ;
Now, calling it this way, returns the result as expected:
USE common_schema; SELECT common_schema.sum_ints(seq) FROM (SELECT 1 seq UNION ALL SELECT 2) t; -- result: 3
Calling it using any other schema, it returns NULL:
USE other_schema; SELECT common_schema.sum_ints(seq) FROM (SELECT 1 seq UNION ALL SELECT 2) t; -- result: null
Am I missing something here? Is there any configuration that is missing?
Appreciate your help.
Answer Answered by Ian Gilfillan in this comment.
Thanks, this is a bug, and has been reported at MDEV-18100.
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