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The mariadb-install-db.exe utility is the Windows equivalent of mariadb-install-db.


The functionality of mariadb-install-db.exe is comparable with the shell script mariadb-install-db used on Unix, however it has been extended with both Windows specific functionality (creating a Windows service) and to generally useful functionality. For example, it can set the 'root' user password during database creation. It also creates the my.ini configuration file in the data directory and adds most important parameters to it (e.g port).

mariadb-install-db.exe is used by the MariaDB installer for Windows if the "Database instance" feature is selected. It obsoletes similar utilities and scripts that were used in the past such as mysqld.exe --install,, and

-?, --helpDisplay help message and exit
-d, --datadir=nameData directory of the new database
-S, --service=nameName of the Windows service
-p, --password=namePassword of the root user
-P, --port=# mysqld port
-W, --socket=namenamed pipe name
-D, --default-userCreate default user
-R, --allow-remote-root-accessAllow remote access from network for user root
-N, --skip-networkingDo not use TCP connections, use pipe instead
-i, --innodb-page-sizeInnodb page size, since MariaDB 10.2.5
-s,--silentPrint less information
-o,--verbose-bootstrapInclude mysqld bootstrap output
-l,--large-pagesUse large pages, since MariaDB 10.6.1
-c,--configmy.ini config template file, since MariaDB 10.6.1

Note : to create a Windows service, mariadb-install-db.exe should be run by a user with full administrator privileges (which means elevated command prompt on systems with UAC).


  mariadb-install-db.exe --datadir=C:\db --service=MyDB --password=secret

will create the database in the directory C:\db, register the auto-start Windows service "MyDB", and set the root password to 'secret'.

To start the service from the command line, execute

sc start MyDB

Removing Database Instances

If you run your database instance as service, to remove it completely from the command line, use

sc stop <servicename>
sc delete <servicename>
rmdir /s /q <path-to-datadir>
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