MariaDB Connector/J 2.0.2 Release Notes
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 7 Jun 2017
MariaDB Connector/J 2.0.2 is a Stable (GA) release.
For an overview of MariaDB Connector/J see the About MariaDB Connector/J page
- CONJ-490 - DataSource connectTimeout is in second, but was set on socket timeout that is in milliseconds
- CONJ-481 - option "useServerPrepStmts" : Possible Buffer overrun reading ResultSet
- CONJ-470 - option "rewriteBatchedStatements" : Error when executing SQL contains "values" that aren't inserts
- CONJ-477 - option "usePipelineAuth" : incompatibility with aurora. Now automatically disabled when aurora is detected
- CONJ-479 - compatibility : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on connect to MySQL 5.1.73
- CONJ-480 - compatibility : Access denied error on connect to MySQL 5.1.73
- CONJ-471 - metadata : DatabaseMetadata.getPrimaryKeys() return a null value for PK_NAME, must always be 'PRIMARY'
- CONJ-483 - metadata : Wrong content of DEFERRABILITY column in MariaDbDatabaseMetaData
- CONJ-487 - No timeout exception on client PrepareStatement
- CONJ-489 - log: javax.transaction.xa.XAException message error truncated ( near '0x )
- CONJ-478 - Change CI tests to use maxscale 2.1 version
- CONJ-482 - Connection.setNetworkTimeout don't throw exception if no executor
- CONJ-488 - Use to read keyStore and trustStore again
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