MariaDB Connector/J 2.0.0 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 20 Apr. 2017
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #ab364b9 [misc] mysql public key update
- Revision #86425a4 [misc] cancel charset password for 5.6.36 that has password charset issue
- Revision #b45146a [misc] permit using "file:" for keystore path.
- Revision #5816f91 [misc] permit using "file:" for keystore path.
- Revision #26e28d6 [misc] correction pipelining that breaks for MySQL 5.6 with SSL
- Revision #a2f7e63 [misc] solving possible race condition
- Revision #128675a [misc] solving possible race condition
- Revision #1c1a366 [CONJ-453] merge correction
- Revision #ae4562b [CONJ-456] Wrong metadata when column TINYINT is unsigned with tinyInt1isBit option set (default)
- Revision #b139f06 [misc] checkstyle correction
- Revision #1b44bbb [CONJ-315] add option killFetchStmtOnClose to permit disabling Killing query on close.
- Revision #b70cbb3 ignore UNSIGNED mark in TINYINT(1) columns when TINYINT1_IS_BIT is set
- Revision #0d6e4db [CONJ-315] kill query when closing statement and was fetching
- Revision #7c12c61 [CONJ-366] failover when using proxy that doesn't support pipeline queries
- Revision #01b92a9 [CONJ-453] handle continueBatchOnError
- Revision #f895e09 [CONJ-453] Statement.executeBatch always execute pipelining even when option useBatchMultiSend is set to false.
- Revision #9ec64e6 [CONJ-453] Statement.executeBatch always pipeline queries even when option useBatchMultiSend is set to false (and option rewriteBatchedStatements and useBatchMultiSend options are not enabled)
- Revision #8c50b3d [CONJ-453] Statement.executeBatch always execute pipelining even when option useBatchMultiSend is set to false.
- Revision #e56f402 [CONJ-366] bundle first commands in Client handshake response
- Revision #ae52939 [CONJ-366] pipelining authentication data only after successful authentication
- Revision #4b723ea [CONJ-366] save state of last successful authentication without auth to avoid one server exchange when pipelining
- Revision #01fe81a [misc] remove trace information in tests
- Revision #622036d [CONJ-366] remove option to indicate if authentication plugin, but use optimistic connection on second connection if last one didn't use authentication plugins.
- Revision #6f702fa [CONJ-366] separate options usePipelineAuth and noAuthPlugin
- Revision #d9c6b81 [misc] import optimization
- Revision #c17acfc [CONJ-366] aurora master detection added to pipeline authentication
- Revision #4fa34d2 [misc] testing travis inactivity error
- Revision #9054f8c [CONJ-366] connection change sql_mode before manual change of sessionVariables that can be changed by user
- Revision #53c07e2 [CONJ-366] faster connection using pipeline - correction session_track_system_variables enable only if client session tracking is enable
- Revision #9e9cfe5 [CONJ-366] faster connection using pipeline
- Revision #b8a02fe [misc] hide hexadecimal password packet from logs (if trace logging and using clear password plugin)
- Revision #4ab4f78 [misc] ensuring test effectiveness
- Revision #9ec161c [misc] correction of validConnectionTimeout default value for aurora
- Revision #a17579c [CONJ-368] metadata info correction after ResultSet reimplementation
- Revision #bc03d97 [misc] checkstyle correction
- Revision #3c68465 [CONJ-448] Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute when inserting empty blob
- Revision #eda4e61 [CONJ-450] NPE on setClientInfo if value is an empty string
- Revision #b09a708 [CONJ-341] session state implementation correction for MySQL 5.7 ( SERVER_SESSION_STATE_CHANGED flag set without any changed)
- Revision #3499bc3 [CONJ-341] permit stored procedure caching when state change is enable
- Revision #004d867 [CONJ-341] handle SERVER_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE status flag
- Revision #9315f7e [CONJ-315] disabling useCursorFetch option - part 2
- Revision #29b8eb7 [CONJ-315] disabling useCursorFetch option
- Revision #4a32de0 [CONJ-318] disable stored procedure test with output parameters for 10.2 beta version without corrections of
- Revision #fb6d64d [CONJ-318] Handle CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF flag
- Revision #e507689 [CONJ-368] performance improvement storing data in result-set - part 2
- Revision #5422c4f Retain leading slash when trust store beings with 'file:/'
- Revision #03478c5 [misc] checkstyle correction
- Revision #0a5e6ab [CONJ-449] correcting tests to not use sequence table so that can be run on MySQL server
- Revision #93b0fc2 [CONJ-449] Permit CallableStatement streaming
- Revision #8fda73e respect type parameter of ResultSet.getObject method by doing the type conversion
- Revision #db1c36f [misc] correcting tests when query > max_allowed_packet
- Revision #8f54c18 [misc] change hexadecimal test so to be compatible with java 9 (JDK-8157670)
- Revision #890148f [CONJ-368] performance improvement storing data in resultset
- Revision #21f76f8 [misc] implement internal Closable
- Revision #83a27db [CONJ-443] stored procedure possible NPE correction
- Revision #02405c6 [misc] Correcting 1.5.9 stream regression using text protocol
- Revision #cd4eee7 [CONJ-442] buffer growing by step
- Revision #cbb5ab7 [CONJ-442] rewrite queries send by bunch of 16mb
- Revision #3377a7f [CONJ-442] handle the packets that exact value of max_allowed_packet (equality is error)
- Revision #921baee [misc] update socketTimeout description.
- Revision #0255e06 [misc] update changelog missing change
- Revision #bd766eb [CONJ-442] Storing large object improvement. Socket stream does use a buffer that may grow until 16m only.
- Revision #00a8cf1 Merge tag 'develop-1.5.9' into develop
- Revision #2931885 [CONJ-315] implement useCursorFetch option
- Revision #246b94e [CONJ-410] checkstyle and javadoc addition
- Revision #b9d0eb5 [CONJ-410] merging correction to handle null value for Java 8 Offset's DateTime 6 - part 2
- Revision #7d8c371 [CONJ-410] merging correction to handle null value for Java 8 Offset's DateTime
- Revision #5c788e5 [CONJ-410] making driver java 8 minimum version (java 7 compatible version will be in another branch)
- Revision #79bdf55 Merge branches 'develop' and 'hotfix/develop-1.5.9' of into develop
- Revision #0f9516c [travis] ensure test validity
- Revision #c6bd247 [travis] correcting travis installation
- Revision #3f3836c [travis] installation of mysql 5.7 correction
- Revision #25e84b8 [travis] correction for mysql 5.7.8 that disable global status query
- Revision #c8d696d [travis] remove mysql server as default
- Revision #4707342 [CONJ-431] query with multi-values getGeneratedKeys return appropriate auto insert ids.
- Revision #2615b7e Fix merge tag 'FIX1.5.8'
- Revision #03f59e8 [CONJ-423] driver doesn't accept connection string with "disableMariaDbDriver", permitting having MySQL driver in same classpath.
- Revision #b045b1c [CONJ-414] javadoc addition
- Revision #5a95879 [CONJ-414] correcting java 7 imports
- Revision #284eede [CONJ-414] support for large update count and SQLTypes
- Revision #291ac91 [CONJ-410] add missing wrapper functions
- Revision #34f2e86 [CONJ-410] add java 8 Metadata default methods
- Revision #49b4713 [CONJ-409] maven separation according to java version
- Revision #8d418b6 [CONJ-409] improve testign (changing STR_TO_DATE to TIME_FORMAT) to be compatible with MySQL 5.7
- Revision #899dca4 [CONJ-409] improve test to be compatible with MySQL 5.7
- Revision #68b0fbb [CONJ-409] commit missing line
- Revision #f81511e [CONJ-409] Support for LocalDateTime, DateTime, ZoneDateTime, OffsetDateTime, OffsetTime
- Revision #711ccac [CONJ-411] handling maxFieldSize
- Revision #a743039 [misc] add query message to connection error exception
- Revision #3043693 [misc] test correction with new version 10.2 + generated key correction
- Revision #49e89b7 [CONJ-402] tcpKeepAlive option default to true
- Revision #31550e6 [CONJ-190] simplifying Exception handling
- Revision #f3ffc53 [CONJ-307] remove MySQL 5.5 - not released on trusty
- Revision #5f58ae2 [CONJ-307] use maxscale trusty version.
- Revision #5e919d4 [CONJ-307] correcting missing line end
- Revision #c14b759 [CONJ-307] add test with PKCS12 and correcting existing test for JKS since java 9 default now to PKCS12
- Revision #43c1e45 [CONJ-307] changing maxscale installation for trusty
- Revision #3234606 [CONJ-307] modify SSL test to comply with java 9 early access
- Revision #3f467a0 [CONJ-307] valid connector java 9 early access
- Revision #790ee75 [CONJ-307] valid connector java 9 early access
- Revision #1e10fd6 [CONJ-160] Pool testing using hikariCP
- Revision #628cd85 [CONJ-403] NPE when result-set close() after having thrown an exception
- Revision #c05661e [CONJ-396] javadoc correction
- Revision #883ac2a [CONJ-401] travis MySQL 5.5 improvement
- Revision #07d2d06 [CONJ-401] travis innodb_log_file_size value correction for MySQL 5.5
- Revision #6ea7793 Merge branch 'feature/CONJ-401' of into develop
- Revision #1947948 Merge branches 'develop' and 'feature/CONJ-396' correction
- Revision #fc05018 [misc] change maxscale to 2.0.2, removing exception fot utf8mb4 tests
- Revision #9a1980e [CONJ-388] deleting test on mysql for '0000-00-00 00:00:00' timestamps
- Revision #313a930 [CONJ-392] cluster query not time_zone dependent
- Revision #0250f3c [CONJ-388] correcting case
- Revision #a7e6b2f [CONJ-388] correcting test microsecond precision
- Revision #22dee29 [CONJ-388] handle timestamp '0000-00-00 00:00:00' getString()
- Revision #a52646d [CONJ-399] resultSet getLong() for BIGINT column fails if value is Long.MIN_VALUE
- Revision #a84d69d [CONJ-395] Aurora read randomize correction
- Revision #c294643 [CONJ-394] mysql_native_password wrong seed when in default authentication isn't mysql_native_password + no password correction
- Revision #764285c [CONJ-389] ssl cipher test correction
- Revision #6295808 [CONJ-389] getGeneratedKeys reviewed implementation
- Revision #4dd309e [CONJ-393] changing test for mysql compatibility
- Revision #816e0f8 [CONJ-393] changing test replacing sleep by long request
- Revision #9a74b97 [CONJ-393] adding missing commit
- Revision #67ab126 [CONJ-393] improve setQueryTimeout to use SET STATEMENT max_statement_time when possible
- Revision #7d60ee1 [travis] since mysql key retrieving with is not reliable, forcing mysql server key...
- Revision #d81eec3 [misc] code simplification
- Revision #21f4ff3 [misc] improve useBatchMultiSend documentation
- Revision #cb840cc [misc] import and formatting improvement
- Revision #e5bb83d [misc] deleting appveyor cache
- Revision #ab3a83e [CONJ-391] Use SELECT in place of SHOW command on connection, with fallback to show commands in case of galera non primary node
- Revision #f54edde [CONJ-380] avoid maxscale utf8mb4 test temporary (due to MXS-953)
- Revision #63762f9 [CONJ-380] test correction for UTF8mb4 tests
- Revision #6d8518a [CONJ-380] change maxscale test version correction
- Revision #c7e5833 [CONJ-380] change maxscale test version
- Revision #6b1203a [CONJ-380] checkStyle correction
- Revision #c500473 [CONJ-380] disable SSL tests when using maxscale
- Revision #dedcf5a [CONJ-380] Adding maxScale to CI
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