MariaDB Connector/J 1.5.9 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 20 Mar 2017
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #9333aed - Merge branch 'hotfix/develop-1.5.9'
- Revision #a065884 - [misc] checkstyle correction
- Revision #b937b64 - [misc] small import correction
- Revision #547ae81 - [misc] checkstyle improvement
- Revision #e4f6aab - [CONJ-429] ResultSet.getDouble/getFloat may throws a NumberFormatException
- Revision #615e432 - [CONJ-438] insert query that contain table / column that contain SELECT keyword can be rewritten - part 2
- Revision #ec288bd - [CONJ-438] insert query that contain table / column that contain SELECT keyword can be rewritten
- Revision #f607774 - [CONJ-440] test correction : testCOM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA only if using server prepare
- Revision #30ff175 - [CONJ-440] handle very big COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA packet (1Gb) - test correction
- Revision #bf31310 - [CONJ-446] ResultSet first() throw an exception for scroll type if TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY only when streaming
- Revision #e135727 - [CONJ-440] handle very big COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA packet
- Revision #7c39f69 - [CONJ-435] "All pipe instances are busy" exception on multiple connections to the same named pipe.
- Revision #9c9e880 - [CONJ-437] getString on field with ZEROFILL doesn't have the '0' leading chars when using binary protocol
- Revision #b0887e4 - [CONJ-212] Implement password encoding charset option
- Revision #e2f9dd2 - [CONJ-431] better interruption handling when batching
- Revision #10370a2 - [misc] Bump 1.5.9-SNAPSHOT version
- Revision #f73f2e8 - [CONJ-431] Bulk-Insert in table with autoincrement only returns 1 generated key - Adding tests and handling batch interruption
- Revision #78cc98e - [CONJ-431] Bulk-Insert in table with autoincrement only returns 1 generated key
- Revision #d16ad5b - [misc] checkstyle improvement
- Revision #31e0f52 - [CONJ-423] driver doesn't accept connection string with "disableMariaDbDriver", permitting having MySQL driver in same classpath.
- Revision #83a27db - [CONJ-443] stored procedure possible NPE correction
- Revision #02405c6 - [misc] Correcting 1.5.9 stream regression using text protocol
- Revision #cd4eee7 - [CONJ-442] buffer growing by step
- Revision #cbb5ab7 - [CONJ-442] rewrite queries send by bunch of 16mb
- Revision #3377a7f - [CONJ-442] handle the packets that exact value of max_allowed_packet (equality is error)
- Revision #bd766eb - [CONJ-442] Storing large object improvement. Socket stream does use a buffer that may grow until 16m only.
- Revision #9333aed - Merge branch 'hotfix/develop-1.5.9'
- Revision #3f1b523 - [misc] checkstyle correction
- Revision #a065884 - [misc] checkstyle correction
- Revision #b937b64 - [misc] small import correction
- Revision #547ae81 - [misc] checkstyle improvement
- Revision #e4f6aab - [CONJ-429] ResultSet.getDouble/getFloat may throws a NumberFormatException
- Revision #615e432 - [CONJ-438] insert query that contain table / column that contain SELECT keyword can be rewritten - part 2
- Revision #ec288bd - [CONJ-438] insert query that contain table / column that contain SELECT keyword can be rewritten
- Revision #f607774 - [CONJ-440] test correction : testCOM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA only if using server prepare
- Revision #30ff175 - [CONJ-440] handle very big COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA packet (1Gb) - test correction
- Revision #bf31310 - [CONJ-446] ResultSet first() throw an exception for scroll type if TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY only when streaming
- Revision #e135727 - [CONJ-440] handle very big COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA packet
- Revision #7c39f69 - [CONJ-435] "All pipe instances are busy" exception on multiple connections to the same named pipe.
- Revision #9c9e880 - [CONJ-437] getString on field with ZEROFILL doesn't have the '0' leading chars when using binary protocol
- Revision #b0887e4 - [CONJ-212] Implement password encoding charset option
- Revision #e2f9dd2 - [CONJ-431] better interruption handling when batching
- Revision #10370a2 - [misc] Bump 1.5.9-SNAPSHOT version
- Revision #f73f2e8 - [CONJ-431] Bulk-Insert in table with autoincrement only returns 1 generated key - Adding tests and handling batch interruption
- Revision #78cc98e - [CONJ-431] Bulk-Insert in table with autoincrement only returns 1 generated key
- Revision #d16ad5b - [misc] checkstyle improvement
- Revision #31e0f52 - [CONJ-423] driver doesn't accept connection string with "disableMariaDbDriver", permitting having MySQL driver in same classpath.
- Revision #0138932 - [CONJ-434] position error when streaming and ScrollType != ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY ResultSet.isAfterLast() may return wrong result when streaming and ScrollType != ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY
- Revision #6ec5a29 - [misc] reload timezone value if option sessionVariable change session timezone
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