MariaDB Connector/C 3.0.1 Release Notes
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/C is:
MariaDB Connector/C 3.4.4
Download Release Notes Changelog About MariaDB Connector/C
Release date: 18 Jan 2017
This is a Beta release of MariaDB Connector/C, formerly known as the MariaDB Client Library for C. As with any other pre-production release, cautions should be taken when installing on production systems or systems with critical data.
For a description of this library see the MariaDB Connector/C page.
Binary packages for Windows (32 and 64-bit) and generic Linux packages as well as source code packages are available from the MariaDB download page
New features
- Indicator variables for prepared statements
- MDEV-9114 bulk operations (array binding) for prepared statements (insert, update, delete).
- support for extended client/server capabilities (requires MariaDB 10.2 or newer)
- The DBUG library was removed from Connector/C 3.0
- Connector/C 2.3.2 now supports client plugins from MariaDB Server and Connector/C 3.0, for example GSSAPI plugin for kerberos authentication. Older plugins from previous versions of Connector/C can't be used anymore and might crash.
New API functions and enhancements
- mariadb_stmt_execute_direct() prepares and executes in one step (mainly used by MariaDB ODBC driver)
- mariadb_cancel()aborts a connection immediately by making all subsequent read/write operations fail
- mysql_reset_connection() resets the current connection and clears session state
- mariadb_get_infov returns generic or connection specific information
- mysql_stmt_warning_count() returns warnings per statement
- Functions for obtaining session state changes:
- Added tls_version support for schannel. tls_version has to be specified via
mysql_options(mysql, MARIADB_OPT_TLS_VERSION, ...)
Notable bug fixes
- CONC-224: Allow to build Connector/C without TLS/SSL support
- CONC-223: Add client support for missing collations
- CONC-218: reset a previously used statement when calling mysql_stmt_attr_set with option STMT_ATTR_PREBIND_PARAMS
- CONC-217: mariadb_stmt_execute_direct: Clear error message from mysql_stmt_execute if prepare failed
- CONC-202: remove definition of _snprintf (failed with Visual Studio 15)
- CONC-200: support of my_ulonglong
- CONC-180: return system error message in case of SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR (Schannel)
- CONC-177: Fixed length calculation for zerofill conversion from float/double to string
- CONC-170: missing blank in mariadb_config --libs output
- CONC-169: Memory corruption in mariadb_dyncol_unpack
- CONC-168: string conversion of timestamps is broken
- CONC-161: Increase username length to 128
- CONC-160: field metadata doesn't show NUM_FLAG for NEWDECIMAL columns
- CONC-155: return trailing zero when fetching from binary columns into string
- CONC-154: set statement status to MYSQL_STMT_FETCH_DONE if result set is empty or mysql_stmt_reset was called
- Solaris build fixes
- Build fixes for gcc 4.8
- Fixed possible overrun in authentication
- fixed crash in shared memory connection
- Fixed memory overrun in my_strdup_root
- binary fetch fixes for prepared statements:
- append trailing \0 for strings
- don't remove last byte for binary objects
- removed call of gnutls_bye() since server is not able to detect dead socket
- Added new cipher mapping for GnuTLS
- removed global context for TLS/SSL sessions
- fixed wrong behavior when using SChannel: SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE is now handled as error
- Optimization for re-preparing statement: Don't send COM_STMT_RESET if we will send COM_STMT_CLOSE afterwards
- MDEV-10894: fixed conversion for big-endian platforms
- MDEV-11008: Connector/C integration does not respect INSTALL_LIBDIR or INSTALL_DOCDIR
- MDEV-10357: my_context_continue() does not store current fiber on Windows
- Added support for OpenSSL 1.1
- fixed build when using GnuTLS. Minimum required version of GnuTLS is 3.3.24
- fixed output for plugin directory in mariadb_config
- added sigpipe handler for OpenSSL
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