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MariaDB 5.2.1 Release Notes

The most recent release in the MariaDB 5.2 series is: MariaDB 5.2.14

Download | Release Notes | Changelog | Overview of 5.2

Release date: 18 Jun 2010

Release Notes

See the MariaDB versus MySQL page for a high-level overview of the differences between MariaDB and MySQL.

The Changelog has a detailed list of the changes inluded in this release. For a description of this release see the MariaDB 5.1 overview.

OQGraph storage engine

This version of MariaDB includes the OQGRAPH storage engine.


This version of MariaDB includes some bugfixes and small changes for MWL#43: Extending CREATE TABLE. See Extending CREATE TABLE for more information on the new options this worklog gives to storage engine developers.

New command line option

This version of MariaDB supports a new command line option --plugin-maturity=XXX, where XXX can be one of unknown, experimental, alpha, beta, gamma, stable.

When used, MySQL will refuse to load plugins that have a maturity less than specified in this command line option.


Several bugfixes and buildbot improvements have also been incorporated into this version of MariaDB 5.2 including some that were discussed during the 2010 Storage Engine summit. See the changelog for links to the details.

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