This is a read-only copy of the MariaDB Knowledgebase generated on 2025-03-05. For the latest, interactive version please visit

MariaDB 5.2 TODO

Note: This page is obsolete. The information is old, outdated, or otherwise currently incorrect. We are keeping the page for historical reasons only. Do not rely on the information in this article.

See the Summary page, Release Notes and Changelog pages for details of what is in each 5.2 release:

MariaDB 5.2 Release Notes

This section includes a summary of all important features in MariaDB 5.2.

MariaDB 5.2 Changelogs

As stated above, all non-completed todo items have been moved to MariaDB 5.3, see MariaDB 5.3 TODO.

Content reproduced on this site is the property of its respective owners, and this content is not reviewed in advance by MariaDB. The views, information and opinions expressed by this content do not necessarily represent those of MariaDB or any other party.