This is a read-only copy of the MariaDB Knowledgebase generated on 2025-03-04. For the latest, interactive version please visit

Limitations/Differences with a MariaDB Server Compiled for Debugging

A MariaDB server configured with --with-debug=full has the following differences from a normal MariaDB server:

  • You can have maximum of 1000 tables locked at the same time in one statement. (Define MAX_LOCKS in mysys/thrlock.c). This is to detect loops in the used lists.
  • You can have maximum of 1000 threads locking the same table. (Define MAX_THREADS in mysys/thrlock.c). This is to detect loops in the used lists.
  • Deadlock detection of mutex will be done at runtime. If wrong mutex handling is found an error will be printed to the error log. (Define SAFE_MUTEX)
  • Memory overrun/underrun and not freed memory will be reported to the error log (Define SAFEMALLOC)
  • You can get a trace of what mysqld (and most other binaries) is doing by starting it with the --debug option. The trace is usually put in /tmp or C:\
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