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MariaDB 5.3.2 Release Notes

The most recent release in the MariaDB 5.3 series is: MariaDB 5.3.12

Download | Release Notes | Changelog | Overview of 5.3

Release date: 14 Oct 2011

MariaDB 5.3.2 is a Beta release. In general this means that there are no known serious bugs, except for those marked as feature requests. MariaDB 5.3 radically improves performance for subqueries as well as for joins and single-table queries over large data sets.

For a detailed description of MariaDB 5.3 see the What is MariaDB 5.3 page.

Compared to MariaDB 5.3.0 and 5.3.1, MariaDB 5.3.2 is mainly a bug-fix release. It is the third beta release of the 5.3 series and fixes bugs found in the initial 5.3.0 and 5.3.1 beta releases.

For a list of every change made in MariaDB 5.3.2, with links to detailed information on each push, see the MariaDB 5.3.2 Changelog. It is worth noting that MariaDB 5.3 is built on MariaDB 5.2, MariaDB 5.1, and MySQL 5.1.

In most respects MariaDB will work exactly as MySQL: all commands, interfaces, libraries and APIs that exist in MySQL also exist in MariaDB.

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MariaDB may already be included in your favorite OS distribution. More information can be found on the Distributions which Include MariaDB page.

User Feedback plugin

MariaDB 5.3.2-beta introduces the User Feedback plugin. This plugin is disabled by default. If enabled, it submits anonymous basic MariaDB usage information. This information will be used by the developers to track trends in MariaDB usage to better guide development efforts.

If you would like to help make MariaDB better, please add to your my.cnf file! On Windows, add "feedback=ON" to your my.ini file, or click the checkbox during installation of the MSI package.

See the User Feedback plugin page for more information.

Subquery Cache

Starting in MariaDB 5.3.2-beta, the Subquery cache is on by default. In previous versions of MariaDB the cache was off by default.

The goal of the subquery cache is to optimize the evaluation of correlated subqueries by storing results together with correlation parameters in a cache and avoiding re-execution of the subquery in cases where the result is already in the cache.

See the Subquery cache page for more information.

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