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MariaDB 10.11.0 Release Notes

Download Release Notes Changelog Overview of 10.11

Release date: 26 Sep 2022

Do not use alpha releases in production!

MariaDB 10.11 is a current development series of MariaDB. It is an evolution of MariaDB 10.10 with several entirely new features.

Unlike recent new releases, MariaDB 10.11.0 is a single preview release. Features are to be considered preview, and none are guaranteed to make it into MariaDB 10.11.

The preview is available as a container

For an overview of MariaDB 10.11 see the What is MariaDB 10.11? page.

Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB!



  • Semi-join optimization for single-table update/delete statements (MDEV-7487)
  • Allow pushdown of queries involving UNIONs in outer select to foreign engines (MDEV-25080)
  • Make ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON show time spent in the query optimizer (MDEV-28926)

Information Schema

System versioning



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