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Replication : Restart After Out of Sync Master/Slave

Hello, I have recently been tasked with converting our company from MS SQL to MariaBD. I am testing Replication, simple master-slave backup. I stopped the salve for an hour and restarted, everything synced up perfectly. I stopped it overnight and tried to re-sync and now master and slave are well out of sync and will not re-sync

Slave Status: --Waiting to reconnect after a failed master event read --MCDB_Orders_Test-bin.000163, --5252, --MirthProd-relay-bin.000450

Master Status: --MCDB_Orders_Test-bin.000276, --257235783

I see examples online of stopping everything, dump the master db and import to slave, and restart in order to get back up and running. Most examples are 3-6 years old. Surely this cannot be how replication works on MariaDB ? The Slave knows where its at, the Master knows where its at, why can they not re-sync ?

Thanks for any direction you may provide !

Answer Answered by Ian Gilfillan in this comment.

It does sleep after failing to connect for a while. See Slave I/O Thread States, MASTER CONNECT RETRY and master_retry_count.

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