Binary Log
The binary log contains a record of all changes to the databases, both data and structure. It consists of a set of binary log files and an index.
It is necessary for replication, and can also be used to restore data after a backup.
Overview of the Binary Log
The binary log contains a record of all changes to the databases -
Activating the Binary Log
Activating the Binary Log. -
Using and Maintaining the Binary Log
Using and maintaining the binary log. -
Binary Log Formats
The three binary logging formats. -
Binary Logging of Stored Routines
Stored routines require extra consideration when binary logging. -
SHOW BINARY LOGS lists all binary logs on the server. -
PURGE BINARY LOGS removes all binary logs from the server, prior to the provided date or log file. -
Show events in the binary log. -
Status information about the binary log. -
Binlog Event Checksums
Including a checksum in binlog events. -
Binlog Event Checksum Interoperability
Replicating between servers with differing binlog checksum availability -
Group Commit for the Binary Log
Optimization when the server is run with innodb_flush_logs_at_trx_commit or sync_binlog. -
mariadb-binlog utility for processing binary log files. -
Transaction Coordinator Log
The transaction coordinator log (tc_log) is used to coordinate transactions... -
Compressing Events to Reduce Size of the Binary Log
Binlog events can be compressed to save space on disk and in network transfers. -
Encrypting Binary Logs
Data-at-rest encryption for binary logs and relay logs. -
Rollback instances/databases/tables to an old snapshot. -
Relay Log
Event log created by the replica from the primary binary log. -
Replication and Binary Log System Variables
Replication and binary log system variables.
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