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Upgrading Between Minor Versions on Linux

For Windows, see Upgrading MariaDB on Windows instead.

For MariaDB Galera Cluster, see Upgrading Between Minor Versions with Galera Cluster instead.

Before you upgrade, it would be best to take a backup of your database. This is always a good idea to do before an upgrade. We would recommend Mariabackup.

To upgrade between minor versions of MariaDB on Linux/Unix (for example from MariaDB 10.11.4 to MariaDB 10.11.5), the following procedure is suggested:

  1. Stop MariaDB.
  2. Uninstall the old version of MariaDB.
  3. Install the new version of MariaDB.
  4. Make any desired changes to configuration options in option files, such as my.cnf.
  5. Start MariaDB.
  6. Run mariadb-upgrade.
    • mariadb-upgrade does two things:
      1. Ensures that the system tables in the mysql database are fully compatible with the new version.
      2. Does a very quick check of all tables and marks them as compatible with the new version of MariaDB .
    • In most cases this should be a fast operation (depending of course on the number of tables).

To upgrade between major versions, see the following:

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