Configuring MariaDB for Optimal Performance
This article is to help you configure MariaDB for optimal performance.
Note that by default MariaDB is configured to work on a desktop system and should because of this not take a lot of resources. To get things to work for a dedicated server, you have to do a few minutes of work.
For this article we assume that you are going to run MariaDB on a dedicated server.
Feel free to update this article if you have more ideas.
my.cnf Files
MariaDB is normally configured by editing the my.cnf file. In the next section you have a list of variables that you may want to configure for dedicated MariaDB servers.
InnoDB Storage Engine
InnoDB is normally the default storage engine with MariaDB.
- You should set innodb_buffer_pool_size to about 80% of your memory. The goal is to ensure that 80 % of your working set is in memory.
The other most important InnoDB variables are:
Some other important InnoDB variables:
- innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm
- innodb_read_ahead_threshold
- innodb_buffer_pool_instances. Deprecated and ignored from MariaDB 10.5.1.
- innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay. Deprecated and ignored from MariaDB 10.5.5.
- innodb_thread_concurrency. Deprecated and ignored from MariaDB 10.5.5.
Aria Storage Engine
- MariaDB uses by default the Aria storage engine for internal temporary files. If you have many temporary files, you should set aria_pagecache_buffer_size to a reasonably large value so that temporary overflow data is not flushed to disk. The default is 128M.
- If you don't use MyISAM tables explicitly (true for most MariaDB 10.4+ users), you can set key_buffer_size to a very low value, like 64K.
Lots of Connections
A Lot of Fast Connections + Small Set of Queries + Disconnects
- If you are doing a lot of fast connections / disconnects, you should increase back_log and if you are running MariaDB 10.1 or below thread_cache_size.
- If you have a lot (> 128) of simultaneous running fast queries, you should consider setting thread_handling to
Connecting From a Lot of Different Machines
- If you are connecting from a lot of different machines you should increase host_cache_size to the max number of machines (default 128) to cache the resolving of hostnames. If you don't connect from a lot of machines, you can set this to a very low value!
See Also
- MariaDB Memory Allocation
- Full List of MariaDB Options, System and Status Variables
- Server system variables
- mysqld options
- Performance schema helps you understand what is taking time and resources.
- Slow query log is used to find queries that are running slow.
- OPTIMIZE TABLE helps you defragment tables.