migrating from mysql to mariaDB
i have installed mysql in my server, and there is so many databases and tables but now i want to use mariaDB as my database engine so how can i migrate the engine without losing my databases dan tables? i have tried to uninstall mysql and then i install mariadb, but when i want to run mariadb always failed the error message is "job for mariadb.service failed because the control process exited with error code" thanks
Answer Answered by Daniel Black in this comment.
If you are using MySQL-5.7 or less an in place upgrade is possible with a few feature differences listed on https://mariadb.com/kb/en/migrating-to-mariadb-from-mysql/.
If this is the case for you, look at `journalctl -n 40 -u mariadb.service` for more detailed information as to why mariadb didn't start.
Some more detail as to the source MySQL version, the destination MariaDB version, and the errors occurring on startup are needed to help you get past your current state. Please also take a detailed read of the migration article above. Please make sure you have a mysql backup before beginning the migration.