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Replication Using Sketchy Cellular VPN Connection 2021-02-08

I have a master and slave both running 10.3.13 configured to replicate.

The master is in a remote location using cellular VPN to connect site to site

The slave is at the corporate offices connected to the remote location using VPN.

As you can imagine the remote location master connection is up and down hundreds of times a day. However, when the connection is up the replication is successful.

However, if the cellular VPN is down for an extended amount of time the replication does not re-establish.

Doing my research, I think the variable I need to change is the "master-retry-count" ( I suspect I need to set it to zero so that the slave will not stop attempting to reconnect.

I cannot find this variable. Where is it located? How do I determine what it is set for currently? How do I change it?

Thank you, Craig

Answer Answered by Ian Gilfillan in this comment.

This is not a variable, it's a mysqld option, so you can't access it from within the server by doing SHOW VARIABLES etc. It will have the default value, 86400 (you can verify this by running mysqld --verbose --help) unless changed, from a config file or the command line.

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