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Since 3.x I have an issue with useServerPrepStmts is true and I change the connection catalog

I just upgraded my spring boot application from mariadb-java-client:2.x to mariadb-java-client:3.x

It's a multi-tenancy application where each tenant has its own catalog.

Since 3.x when i use connection.setCatalog(anyCatalog) for a select statement that is cached I get the result from the previoulsy set catalog.

If I set useServerPrepStmts to false I always get the right results. If I set useServerPrepStmts to true but I rollback to 2.x I also get the right results.

Since I saw in the 3.0.0 release note that useServerPrepStmts is a notable change I'm asking if it is a bug or if other things have to be done when changing catalog and useServerPrepStmts is true

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