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Information Schema DISKS Table


The DISKS table is created when the DISKS plugin is enabled, and shows metadata about disks on the system.

Before MariaDB 10.4.7, MariaDB 10.3.17, MariaDB 10.2.26 and MariaDB 10.1.41, this plugin did not check user privileges. When it is enabled, any user can query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DISKS table and see all the information it provides.

Since MariaDB 10.4.7, MariaDB 10.3.17, MariaDB 10.2.26 and MariaDB 10.1.41, it requires the FILE privilege.

The plugin only works on Linux.

The table contains the following columns:

DISKName of the disk itself.
PATHMount point of the disk.
TOTALTotal space in KiB.
USEDUsed amount of space in KiB.
AVAILABLEAmount of space in KiB available to non-root users.

Note that as the amount of space available to root (OS user) may be more that what is available to non-root users, 'available' + 'used' may be less than 'total'.

All paths to which a particular disk has been mounted are reported. The rationale is that someone might want to take different action e.g. depending on which disk is relevant for a particular path. This leads to the same disk being reported multiple times.


SELECT * FROM information_schema.DISKS;

| Disk      | Path  | Total    | Used    | Available |
| /dev/vda1 | /     | 26203116 | 2178424 |  24024692 |
| /dev/vda1 | /boot | 26203116 | 2178424 |  24024692 |
| /dev/vda1 | /etc  | 26203116 | 2178424 |  24024692 |

See Also

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