Help with Connect and JSON file
I have been trying to learn how to use the connect command with a JSON file. I have downloaded some stock data (large JSON file) and have tried the following:
create table testjson (Code char(12), Sector char(45) jpath='$.Sector') engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON File_name='/data/www/portfiles/port8146935093/sp500.json';
My output is:
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.086 sec)
MariaDB [buylist]> select * from testjson;
Code | Sector |
1 row in set (0.002 sec)
The JSON file is large, it contains multiple companies, but below is part of the beginning of the file:
{"0":{"Code":"AIZ","Exchange":"US","Name":"Assurant Inc","Sector":"Financial Services","Industry":"Insurance-Specialty"},"1":{"Code":"MNST"
I have the latest version of Mariadb and connect installed.
What do I have wrong in the sql command??